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Interactions Between Your DC Parents?

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  • Interactions Between Your DC Parents?

    How much interaction goes on between your DC parents when they are coming and going? Do you discourage it or try to intervene if two moms (or dads) start yaking at the door? I do, mostly because I don't want them lingering.

    Also, do you divulge any information to other parents, say for instance if one dc family is on vacation and a dcm asks where's so-and-so? I'm really uneasy telling others (who are practically strangers to each other) such personal details. I'll tell them they are out sick before I tell them they are out of town or the state.

    Is that weird? ::

  • #2
    I don't think that is strange- you are upholding their rights to privacy.

    In the summer I had a parent open house BBQ so everyone could mingle and meet- it went well, and I don't mind parents talking or being friends, rather I encourage it. However, we are a small tight group.
    Although, sometime I do get uneasy if they tend to 'gossip' as I don't want any part of that either as the receiver or as the topic of choice.


    • #3
      My 2 current parents have never even seen each other. Of course, my daughters know every detail about each other.

      In the past, the parents would be friendly, hi, bye, but that was it. None of them ever chatted for more than a few seconds.

      If parents ask about another child, I just tell the truth, or they're sick, they're on vacation, and let it go at that.


      • #4
        Mine have all been here for so long that they have seen each others kids grow up. Alot are friends of facebook with me and each other.

        I don't care... If they want to yak have at it.

        If they are clogging up my gig I tell them to be gone and give them the swooosh and scoot sign.

        They are all cool about it. No problems.

        I don't tell them when kids are gone. All the kids can talk so they will tell them on the way home. They don't really ask about the other kids much and they don't see them except for if they leave at the same time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by godiva83 View Post
          In the summer I had a parent open house BBQ so everyone could mingle and meet
          That is a really neat idea! I'm adding it to my list of a-million-and-one great ideas I've gotten here.


          • #6
            All of my parents were friends in highschool so they may want to but I have a pretty smooth flowing pick up time. I find parents are tired and want to get their kids and get going.


            • #7
              I live in a small town and all of my DCF live on the same block, so I have no choice about the fact that they all know each other. In fact that is how i am now full. All by recommendation.


              • #8
                All of my daycare families know eachother....the women and the men get together outside of daycare, I do not.

                About 75% of my parents work at the same company and the other 25% work at the other large company in town.

                I have had all of my families 2-6 years, they see alot of eachother. I don't have any trouble with them hanging around to talk to eachother.....just me

                when someone is sick or on vacation it is nearly impossible for me to not say who bc they all know anyway. I like that we are all close , but not too close.


                • #9
                  i'm in a SMALL town, where everyone knows everyone, and all of their business. most of the time, they are telling ME what's up with other families.

                  I always play dumb though, and i dont say a word.

                  We have DC parties and get togethers as well, and everyone has a good time.

                  they sometimes talk for a few minutes at pick up and drop off's but i dont mind. i just carry on with business as usual.

                  or i tell them straight out..."last call dont have to go home, but you can't stay here" ::


                  • #10
                    I had one group were the moms where always chatting as they left. Sometimes they would talk forever outside my door after they had gotten there kids from me. I always wondered what they were talking about! I always joked with my husband and said that they were comparing notes.
                    Sometimes if I have a day were not all my dc is here a parent might ask where the others are and I just tell them there not here today. Mostly my dc parents just come and go pretty quickly. Knowone in this group knows each other.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by misspollywog View Post
                      That is a really neat idea! I'm adding it to my list of a-million-and-one great ideas I've gotten here.
                      I love this idea too!!! I think I might have a get together before school starts next year.


                      • #12
                        I don't mind if they chat. They all came to my child's birthday party and had a fine time chatting it up. If they are the last to pickup, I tell my kids to get their shoes on, we are going to be late (even if we aren't going anywhere). ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JenNJ View Post
                          If they are the last to pickup, I tell my kids to get their shoes on, we are going to be late (even if we aren't going anywhere). ::
                          Ooooh, sneaky!! ::

                          (writing this trick down so I don't forget )


                          • #14
                            My families are all very familiar with each other. Last weekend we all (14 children, 20 parents and 2 grandparents, as well as me and hubby) met up at Apple Hill for a 5 hour picnic and fall harvest! We don that every year. In the spring, we are planning a weekend camping trip with all of our families. I encourage the parents to get to know each other.....theri children are like siblings and it's good for them to play together away from here.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                              My families are all very familiar with each other. Last weekend we all (14 children, 20 parents and 2 grandparents, as well as me and hubby) met up at Apple Hill for a 5 hour picnic and fall harvest! We don that every year. In the spring, we are planning a weekend camping trip with all of our families. I encourage the parents to get to know each other.....theri children are like siblings and it's good for them to play together away from here.
                              Another great idea! We live in camper's heaven (Yellowstone is our backyard!) so an organized trip up to the park would be awesome. Everyone here has a camper or can borrow one. Heck, our own 5th wheel sleeps 12 so those who couldn't bring one could crash with us!

                              And we even have karaoke in ours for the kiddos.

                              I bet I can even write a trip like this off for my taxes hehe.

                              All these great ideas, gosh, I love this place!!

