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Irresponsible Parents

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  • Irresponsible Parents

    Dcm that lives across the street just knocks on my door with dcg and says "we missed the bus didn't we?" Me "yea it was here normal time". Guess who isn't going to school today apparently because mom couldn't get her on the bus. If they can't be responsible enough in situations like this I am in so much trouble when it comes to following the daycare rules....

  • #2
    Why would she come to tell you that? What does that have to do with you? Is she telling you she doesn't need child care today because she's staying home with her child?


    • #3
      Please tell me you did not accept the School Aged child for the day....without EXTRA fees.

      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Yah, if she is expecting you to care for the child today she should pay more..but really, she needs to get her child to school, missing the bus is not a valid excuse for child missing her education for the day


        • #5
          No she was coming here asking if she missed the bus because I have 2 boys that ride the bus with her daughter and she usually has her get on infront of my house. How she didn't see it I don't know. No I didn't except her, actually mom called me last night to inform me the girls would not be coming because of dentist appointments. Just another irresponsible thing she does no notice just spur of the moment cancellations. Not sure how long this dcf will last with my new policies I will be handing out soon. These are the types of families that require you to have everything set in stone and they usually don't like it either.


          • #6
            in the future, don't take neighbors.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
              in the future, don't take neighbors.
              I do not care for neighbors. I don't care if the parents are home or not, but the kids sure do when they see Mom or Dad's car in the driveway.

              I have turned away 3 different families on our street.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                in the future, don't take neighbors.

                Good advice, I find that doesn't work any better than taking family.


                • #9
                  They were not neighbors when I enrolled them. Mom left dad and started renting the house acrossed from mine. But good advice for the future because the kids do get antsy when they see mom's car but it isn't her day to pick them up...

