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Pictures of Your Spaces

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  • #16
    Originally posted by beachgrl View Post
    Get or while they are still available. I had to pay someone $3000 for my name .com. It will only cost you around $10 a year and it is YOUR property.

    They read an article about me and registered the name knowing at some point I would need it.


    • #17
      Wow!!!!! You guys all have AMAZING spaces! I snapped a few pics of my place with the cell phone (hubby has the good cam, ugh!) and added them here:

      Of course, I am a small family home daycare who is only set up for 6 children and most of our "fun stuff" is kept put away in closets but it gives a good idea of what prospective clients can expect.

      I need to get better quality pics ASAP though!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by beachgrl View Post
        nice set up! i just "liked" your FB page!


        • #19
          Originally posted by hoopinglady View Post
          I am in the process of reorganizing and redecorating (again!). I will post photos as I go. I just posted photos of my block area and my workshop/preschool art space. Anyone who is interested can add me and look.

          Sprouts and Mel, your spaces look wonderful.

          LOVE the writing desk. My is an ugly plastic one I've had for years. Works great but not too pretty.

          You all are so inspiring...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to finally have someone to "talk shop" with.
          the writing desk was actually my sisters, and i cut the legs down to fit the DC kiddos!

