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Paranormal 3

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  • Paranormal 3

    On facebook checking out the pictures one of my DCMs had posted of her DCB

    side note: this is the DCM I posted about earlier today in "some people". Lost custody, I fostered him, etc.

    Anyways, her status was about going with two friends and DCB (age 2.5) to see the movie Paranormal 3.

    UGH What do I do? Who in their right mind would think that would be okay.

    When DCM status caused an uproar and DCMs friends stuck up for her by saying the following:

    "DCB loves scary stuff like that hello he plays zombies with me and stop talkin bad on Facebook."

    "Whatever he likes scary movies he was watching ghost wisperers with ur mom. So don't start **** on facebook"

  • #2
    I rarely watch movies, but my 17 yo granddaughter said it gave her bad nightmares for a couple of nights.

    I don't understand what young parents are thinking.

    My 8 yo frequently has nightmares. I think it has a lot to do with the movies he watches and the violent games that he plays.


    • #3
      I watched paranormal activity and you couldn't pay me to watch the last two. I was freaked out for a while. I don't do well with stuff like that anyways, since my husband works 3rd shift. I have watched things a lot less scary and my 7 yr old was still scared so you are right no 2.5 yr old should be going to that movie.


      • #4
        There's a HUUUUGE difference between Ghost Whisperer and Paranormal Activity 3! I haven't seen it yet but I hear that it's scarier than the first two, and the first one scared the bejeebers out of me!

        One of my most vivid childhood memories is of waking up on the sofa at my Grandparents' house while my Grandfather and Uncle were watching "The Amityville Horror". I was around 5 years old and petrified. That's one of my favorite horror movies now, but the feeling sticks with me after all these years, and I had a LOT of trouble sleeping for a long time after that.

        VERY innapropriate, IMO, especially for kids who are still having trouble discerning what is real and what isn't on TV and in movies.


        • #5
          She'll get hers when the child wakes up every night with nightmares.

          At 2 1/2 it might not affect him - if she's lucky.

          You can't stop her so try not to let it bother you.


          • #6
            My DS is only 22 months and gets spooked by TV all the time. There is this one commercial I believe for 'sponge towels' where men dressed in white suits jump on spills- he is terrified of it and hasn't been sleeping well, starts shaking saying, no towels Mumma.... I wouldn't even want to imagine what a scary movie or show would do to him!
            I don't get what is wrong with some ppl. And who cares if there is a chance it won't effect him- don't take it.
            Perhaps, tell her, "hey I saw your FB status and just want to say it isn't the greatest idea- X will be scared straight and you will have a lot of long long nights."


            • #7
              Why would you do anything about it?? Its not your child and not your decision if the parents take the child to a scary movie. Just because you fostered him in the past - it doesnt give you any right to say what she does with her own child.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Why would you do anything about it?? Its not your child and not your decision if the parents take the child to a scary movie. Just because you fostered him in the past - it doesnt give you any right to say what she does with her own child.
                You are right. It's just very hard for me to see a DCM who has jumped through hoops to get her child back and made it a long way. I would hate to see her take steps backwards.


                • #9
                  I totally disagree- you signed up to look out for the best interest of this chil; however, if you didn't have them on FB you wouldn't have known- but in this case you know and I personally feel like you should stick up for this little man


                  • #10
                    Thank you! I think I have a good enough relationship with the mom that I am able to at least discuss with her my concerns as I've been a support for her throughout the entire process (she has told me this many times)

                    His grandparents picked him up and dropped him off I might just send her a quick email instead.


                    • #11
                      Maybe attach this link to it:


                      • #12
                        Is that the preview with the kids playing in the dark in front of the mirror? The preview freaked me out - i dont even look in my bathroom mirror in the dark....just in case.

                        I HATE scary movies, I am such a wimpy girly-girl. Not only would my kids not be going, neither would I. My dh loves horror, and wouldn't take a child until mid-teenage.


                        • #13
                          whether or not dcb likes scary movies, that doesn't mean it's appropriate. If the mom wants to deal with nightmares that's her problem.

                          I know those movies gave me chills. Even non scary movies sometimes give me nightmares. My friends (30 yrs old) had nightmares for a week from those movies.

                          I think the real issues are when parents allow the kids to watch these kinds of movies (whether they are scary, gory, or whatever). I feel that it just desensitizes kids. Even if they don't get scared. Do kids really need to be desensitized? We allow our kids to watch some things, but we always watch it first, before allowing them to. There are probably some inappropriate movies/shows my kids have watched, but I would never let my kids watch movies like this.

                          We watch the goosebumps and Are you afraid of the dark series with the kids (almost 4 yrs, almost 6 yrs, and 7 1/2 yrs old), and those scare the kids, and they are not remotely scary.


                          • #14
                            Feeling the need to play devil's advocate here.

                            Whether or not the boy "loves" scary things I don't know, as I don't know him. Does he love scary things, or does he love spending time with mom while mom enjoys watching scary things?

                            Could it be that she wanted to see the movie with her friends, and didn't want to hire a sitter? Her line of reasoning could be something like #1 it's just a movie and #2 he's only 2.5 and probably doesn't really understand anyway.

                            Me personally, I would not take my 2.5 yr old to that movie. (I suspect I would have a hard time getting my 16 yr old to go to that movie with me. :: ) Mostly because I believe that children at that age need only be exposed to G ratings, and honestly some G movies aren't exactly appropriate for a 2 or 3 yr old. Not to mention, I wouldn't want to upset the other movie patrons as 2 and 3 yr old children don't sit still for extended periods of time.
                            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                            • #15
                              My kids are teens and we love the PA movies but to us they aren't scary at all. If anything, they are comedic!

                              We 'd through them, especially part 2: Why does the "pool roomba" get so much camera time, why is the highchair so angry and WHERE DOES THAT DAMN CHOO-CHOO PILLOW GO AT NIGHT???? ::

                              I really want that choo-choo pillow, it's adorable.

                              We're going to wait for part 3 to come out on Netflix because we'd probably disrupt the theater with our laughter.

