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Diaper Act

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  • #16
    I usually have a supply of emergency donated diapers as the whole neighborhood knows us and donates when they can. However, I have it in my handbook that the diapers are an emergency supply. Any used must be "paid back" when the parents brings diapers.


    • #17
      There are enough organzations around willing to give diapers to needy families.
      "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
      Acts 13:22


      • #18
        I may have a spare diaper here or there as my daughter grows out of a size. I am not willing to supply (nor can I afford to supply) all the diapers, wipes, etc for all the diapered children in my care.

        Especially considering I use only Butt Paste on my dd because that is the only thing that works, and it's not cheap. I have one mom that ONLY uses Huggies wipes and diapers on her little one's bottom. Another mom that doesn't care what diaper/wipe, but only A & D ointment, etc. I would NOT want to have to remember which behind is sensitive to what. It is so much easier to get it out of their diaper bag when I change their diaper...
        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


        • #19
          Originally posted by small_steps View Post
          Surely they aren't expecting daycare providers to supply the diapers. I'm reading it as they want a program to do it, kind of like WIC. Or like someone else said, maybe they will have something like the food program to re-imburse. I would have a hard time providing diapers for my daycare kids. I have 5 in diapers right now. Just thinking of how much that would cost me extra per week makes me cringe a little.
          This is what I was thinking (and hoping).


          • #20
            Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
            If someone can't afford diapers then maybe they shouldn't have any more kids. Just sayin. I mean, I know that sometimes there are things that happen unexpectedly especially in this economy but c'mon, really??? Isn't that what welfare is for? If you don't qualify for welfare then maybe you CAN afford diapers and are just living out of your means. Disconnect your cable and internet service, clip coupons, don't go out to eat, don't buy new clothes and don't buy alcohol or ciggarettes.
            Amen Sista!

            Rant alert:

            This reminded me of a recent Newscast where they were talking to a woman who was fearful of losing her home because she had a $2,500.00 Mortgage payment. The first thing my husband noticed when they panned back at a view of her home was the 3 satellite dishes on it. Mortgages should never be dismissed. Payments can be deferred in times of crisis but nobody should ever be able to walk away from their debt and responsibilities.

            I'm more than happy to give to people when I can afford it, but I am sick to death of the government mandating it. Every person that is milking the system is taking money out of our pockets. I'm tired of paying for everyone else's poor choices.

            Rant over.


            • #21
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
              I do NOT want legislation that says that I can't refuse services to a child based on them not having proper supplies to attend care.

              That's where this is ultimately headed.

              That is most liekly where this is headed. Just like when "we" first started feedinf children breakfast at school. It was b ecasue no child should have to go to school hungry and some people can not afford good and health food. Now many years later feeding breakfast at pre-school and daycare is expected. I think a similiar trnd will happen here.


              • #22
                Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
                That's the first I heard of it. Maybe it will be like the food program only we will get paid for supplying diapers.
                The only wording I can find in regards to this is :

                "This is a definitional change and does NOT require any additional appropriations. The bill seeks only a definitional change that allows Child Care Development Funds to be used for diapers to improve child care quality and access."


                The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act
                of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9801 et seq.) is amended—
                (1) in section 658E(c)(3)(C) by adding at the
                end the following:
                ‘‘Provision of diapers for use by eligible children
                within the State who receive or are offered child
                care services for which financial assistance is
                provided under this Act is a direct service and
                shall not be included in administrative costs
                (2) in section 658G is amended by adding at
                the end the following:
                ‘‘These activities include the provision of diapers and dia-
                pering supplies to enrolled child care providers sufficient
                for the population of children under the age of three whose
                parent receives or is offered financial assistance under this

                I am not up at all on legislative speak so I am not really sure what that means. It almost sounds like if you accept children on susidies then you have to provide the diapers. ?? I can't really find anything that says who exactly is going to pay for them. I am going to try to do some more research and see what I can find.


                • #23
                  After reading the bill, it's a funding adjustment to the Child Care Development and Block Grant Act of 1990. Basically, it will allow for diapers to be paid for. How I am reading it, only families on subsidized childcare will be eligible.

                  Now, let me get this straight...we are subsidizing the formula, the childcare and now the diapers, on top of the other aid payments that vary from state to state. Not to mention little things like the refundable Earned Income Credit, that grows with the # of children you have.

                  As one of the people who pulls the cart, I am getting really tired of all the people jumping into the cart. It's getting pretty damn heavy.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    ‘‘These activities include the provision of diapers and diapering supplies to enrolled child care providers sufficient
                    for the population of children under the age of three whose
                    parent receives or is offered financial assistance under this
                    Act.’’, [/I]

                    I am not up at all on legislative speak so I am not really sure what that means. It almost sounds like if you accept children on susidies then you have to provide the diapers. ?? I can't really find anything that says who exactly is going to pay for them. I am going to try to do some more research and see what I can find.
                    As I understand this section, WE provide diapers for the kids under three for parents who are subsidized. No where did I see our re-imbursement addressed (such as a food program type reimbursement). I'm thinking that they want diapering supplies included in the payment you get from the state.

                    I hope I'm wrong.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DCMom View Post
                      As I understand this section, WE provide diapers for the kids under three for parents who are subsidized. No where did I see our re-imbursement addressed (such as a food program type reimbursement). I'm thinking that they want diapering supplies included in the payment you get from the state.

                      I hope I'm wrong.
                      That's what I was thinking too.....

                      This is going to make provides stop taking families with any type of subsidies.

                      Or we will see new daycares opening up that cater only to subsidized families. No way am I paying for diapers too.

                      Oddly, the kids who wear the most expensive diapers at my house are both on subsidy. :confused:


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        That's what I was thinking too.....

                        This is going to make provides stop taking families with any type of subsidies.

                        Or we will see new daycares opening up that cater only to subsidized families. No way am I paying for diapers too.

                        Oddly, the kids who wear the most expensive diapers at my house are both on subsidy. :confused:
                        Exactly what I was thinking


                        • #27
                          A couple of links for those that are interested:


                          The act itself:



                          Too much reading for me this fine Saturday morning, I'll have to take a look at it later.


                          • #28
                            It sounds to me like it would be a government funded program...

                            I have mixed feelings...I know that some people will change their child less frequently if they need to pay for diapers. It is totally wrong, and I agree that the child should never go without so Mom can get her nails done.

                            Then again, since I know that some people will do this, I guess I'd rather provide diapers so that the kids gets changed.


                            • #29
                              This bill will help...

                              The bill will not require child care providers to pay for diapers out of their own pockets. The bill does not require an increase in appropriations--it requires no funding beyond that appropriated for the Child Care Development Fund. The bill is intended to help families who already use child care in order to go to work or job training Indeed, the bill simply gives states the option to use their Child Care Development Funds to provide diapers to families as a way of increasing access to quality child care.

                              The point of the bill to is remove a barrier for some families who rely on child care but cannot afford the diapers necessary to leave their children with a child care provider. The bill also allows states that want to use the money for cloth diapers to do so if they provide all the other support necessary to ensure a supply of clean diapers.

                              Check out the link to this article in the Hartford Courant


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by diaper gal View Post
                                The bill will not require child care providers to pay for diapers out of their own pockets. The bill does not require an increase in appropriations--it requires no funding beyond that appropriated for the Child Care Development Fund. The bill is intended to help families who already use child care in order to go to work or job training Indeed, the bill simply gives states the option to use their Child Care Development Funds to provide diapers to families as a way of increasing access to quality child care.

                                The point of the bill to is remove a barrier for some families who rely on child care but cannot afford the diapers necessary to leave their children with a child care provider. The bill also allows states that want to use the money for cloth diapers to do so if they provide all the other support necessary to ensure a supply of clean diapers.

                                Check out the link to this article in the Hartford Courant
                                I think it's a slap in the face to providers who accept clients paid for by the Child Care Development Funds. In my State of Iowa the home child care provider gets a little over two dollars per hour for caring for an infant. If there is money available within the Child Care Development Fund it needs to go first and foremost to the providers to increase their weekly salary.

                                The pay is rediculously low. The parents in my state are receiving as much as eight grand a year in CASH funding that is tax FREE for their childs child care. That is a significant amount of free. It's enough free.

                                I think it's a shame that anyone is lobbying for more free when the providers of the service are receiving such little compensation for the hard work of caring for kids.

                                Are we EVER going to have the conversation about how it's important not to HAVE children that you can't afford? Do we have to take the free to every single level of the cost of raising a child? Do you realize that once we start providing the diapers and wipes too that within a couple of years nearly every single fourteen and fifteen year old girl is going to know that should they have a baby they can't afford that we'll take care of that too along with their free food, free child care, free health care, free housing and a whopping earned income credit come the first of the year? Do you GET that when we take over EVERY single thing financially for these kids that we send a strong message to the younger generation that they are entititled?

                                Did you hear the single Dad in this story? He told the story of how his seven month old is already in size FOUR diapers? Think that's a little odd when the kid has most likely another two and a half YEARS left in diapers and there's only two sizes left before the kid outgrows them? Yathink maybe the diaper companies had a little to do with that and it might have a lot to do with them making a bunch of money? How about putting some of that legislative action in some regulations on the diaper companies to make a product that is environmentally sound and WORKS so we don't have to have so many changes per day and have one year olds already in the largest size they make before the BIG money maker.. pull ups and goodnites?

                                Maybe do a little work figuring out how in the last five years the sizing in diapers and the amount of absorbable material in them has decreased so dramatically that we are going thru twenty to thirty percent more diapers per day. Cost has skyrocketed and quality has diminished. Let's figure out how that happened?

                                I have diapers in my stock from six years ago. I could send you one. You wouldn't BELIEVE the difference. PM me thru here and I'll send you one.

