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Toddler Always Wakes Up Screeaamiinnng

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  • Toddler Always Wakes Up Screeaamiinnng

    14 mo twins...

    One wakes up every 45-50 minutes during nap (4 out of 5 days), screams bloody murder for 5 minutes, rolls around, then falls back asleep. One nap per day, usually ends up sleeping 2 1/2 hours. I learned a while ago that if I don't do anything, he will just go back to sleep. I just think it's wierd. Do you think he's laying on an arm, and it goes to sleep? Just wondering if that's what wakes him..the tingling of it "reawakening".

    Twin #2, does the same thing, but not as often. But every day, after 1 1/2-2 hours, he wakes up for good and screams BLOODY MURDER! He NEVER plays in his bed when he wakes up, cooing and talking like most toddlers do. He clearly doesn't sleep long enough, because he sleeps a little over 10 hours at night, and only has one nap. He's just downright cranky sometimes. BTW, I never get him up because I would have no where to go with him. The rest of the house is still sleeping, and it would nightmare.

    Both kids are happy to go to bed, I get hugs and we sing an inane "nighty night" song, and they settle down happy. It's the waking that has me scratching my head.

    They are in seperate rooms in seperate parts of the house because they used to wake each other up, so even if one slept well, the other one had no chance.

    Any theories or ideas out there?

  • #2
    The only kids I know that do that are kids that have a tough time when their sleep cycles end. They wake up and cry to get out of nap and normally, the worst screamers are the ones who parents let them take short naps and come get them whenever they wake up, thinking that just because they woke up means that they are ready to get up. They will get used to the longer naps at daycare.


    • #3
      My 14month old twin boy does the same thing in the mornings he will wake up screaming like we abandoned him or something. His twin sister just looks at me like, "can you believe this guy seriously?"
      "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
      Acts 13:22


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        The only kids I know that do that are kids that have a tough time when their sleep cycles end. They wake up and cry to get out of nap and normally, the worst screamers are the ones who parents let them take short naps and come get them whenever they wake up, thinking that just because they woke up means that they are ready to get up. They will get used to the longer naps at daycare.

        I think your right about that.

        I find that most of my parents put their kids into a regular bed at about 14 - 15 mths old and then when they wake up they can just get up. Not here though.
        They get up when I come and get them. So I too have found some toddlers
        wake up screaming, I am sure thinking I will come and get them.


        • #5
          thank you!

          Originally posted by bbo View Post
          14 mo twins...

          One wakes up every 45-50 minutes during nap (4 out of 5 days), screams bloody murder for 5 minutes, rolls around, then falls back asleep. One nap per day, usually ends up sleeping 2 1/2 hours. I learned a while ago that if I don't do anything, he will just go back to sleep. I just think it's wierd. Do you think he's laying on an arm, and it goes to sleep? Just wondering if that's what wakes him..the tingling of it "reawakening".

          Twin #2, does the same thing, but not as often. But every day, after 1 1/2-2 hours, he wakes up for good and screams BLOODY MURDER! He NEVER plays in his bed when he wakes up, cooing and talking like most toddlers do. He clearly doesn't sleep long enough, because he sleeps a little over 10 hours at night, and only has one nap. He's just downright cranky sometimes. BTW, I never get him up because I would have no where to go with him. The rest of the house is still sleeping, and it would nightmare.

          Both kids are happy to go to bed, I get hugs and we sing an inane "nighty night" song, and they settle down happy. It's the waking that has me scratching my head.

          They are in seperate rooms in seperate parts of the house because they used to wake each other up, so even if one slept well, the other one had no chance.

          Any theories or ideas out there?
          No one called me a cold hearted b**** because I don't rush in and get him! ::

