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Common Sense!!!!! HAHAHAHA

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  • Common Sense!!!!! HAHAHAHA

    Just a vent:

    The weather has been yucky the past few days-RAIN,RAIN,& MORE RAIN.

    Anyways- Dcd comes to drop-off dcc & walks right into my playroom with soaking wet shoes!!!!!

    Is it just me or is it common sense not to walk on my nice carpet with wet shoes on??? He should've just handed me the baby & left. (My entry way is laminate.)

    Even my dd was like um mom & looked at him like wth are you doing????

    Seriously, really?? Guess I need to add that to the PHB!
    Last edited by Michael; 10-21-2011, 02:37 AM.

  • #2
    Change rainy shoes to wet concrete shoes and you have what I did once. Lol

    I actually said,.... Ummmmm carpet? !!!! Concrete!?!?! Boots?!?!?!
    He looked down, said Ummmm sorry?!?! I said. I'll send you the bill. And called servicmaster right then and set up the appt.


    • #3
      I used to have a dad who worked on a farm. Guess what he used to track in.


      • #4
        I physically put myself in front of the parent so they do not step off of the large black mat in my entryway. It's not connected to any carpet (my front door is in my kitchen) but that darn tile floor shows EVERYTHING! I've never had a far.....

        Concrete?!? Really?!?


        • #5
          It is amazing how many adults have no common sense.

          I have a gate between my entryway and playroom, so no parents come in.

          Wish I could say that no parents did come in, but that would be a lie. ::

          But they took their shoes off first.


          • #6
            Common sense or common courtesy?

            This drives me insane. I don't have carpet, I have hardwood and rugs.


            • #7
              oh my

              I would take the rainy wet shoes on floor over concrete & farm poo anyday!!!!


              • #8
                My five year old does that all the time! Just goes jumping through the puddles and then runs right inside!.... but maybe the childish behavior is the point
                "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                Acts 13:22

