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What to Do With this Part-Time Family??

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  • What to Do With this Part-Time Family??

    So I just started my childcare and my first family was a part-time 21 month old who's mom is a substitute teacher.

    After she started I then got 2 additional full-timers and now have interest from 2 other full-timers. I'm only allowed 4 total un-related children since I have 2 children of my own at home.

    I'm still in the 10 day "trial period" stated in my contract and I just don't know what to do with my part-time family. Some weeks she said she may not work at all and at most it's usually 3 days. In the summer she won't need care so I don't know if I should just tell her that I'm looking to just fill with full-time children b/c unfortunately I need the income from full-time spots and don't want to take a huge hit in the summer when she won't need me.

    What does everyone think??

  • #2
    I would take the full timers. I have in my contract that I will give you a 2 week notice if I am not able to care for your child. I tell all my part timers up front that I need full time children so if they become available, that I will give them 2 weeks notice. I may have to watch all of them at the same time for 2 weeks, but that will give them time to find someone else.


    • #3
      I'd just tell her that you need to take the full time kids. Normally I'd say offer her to pay the full rate or loose the spot, but since you know that she will not need you for the summer, I wouldn't offer. Other wise come summer she'll most likely drop you.


      • #4
        You might want to charge her a holding fee if she needs the spot, if you can afford a reduced rate. If you can't, it sounds like you know what needs to be done.


        • #5
          this is what i do and it works for me....

          if no one else wants the spot full time, i let them use it part time/drop in and without any holding fee. i figure anything is better then nothing, and the spot would just be sitting there empty. KWIM?

          however, my "part time-only comes when she needs me-doesnt pay a holding fee" family knows that as soon as someone calls and wants that spot full time, she either gives up the spot or pays the full time fee. i'm sure sh'es not going to want to do that, (its 2 spots) so they will probably choose to leave. its sad in a way, because i have gotten very close to the girls. but business is business, and i need to make as much $ as possible for my family. i can't give up 2 full time spots for someone who only needs me occasionally.

          she's been lucky so far, cause i have had them for two years, no one has wanted the spots yet. but they are my last two spots so that could change at any time.

          i also have 2 teachers children and i dont charge a holding fee for the summer for them cause i fill their spots with school age when they are not here. so technically, i'm not losing any $$.

          as hard as it may be , i think you should tell her that you are no longer accepting part timers, and you have someone to take the spot, unless of course she wants to pay the full time fee for it.


          • #6
            Tell her you are going to take the full time children but if she wants to call you on an as needed basis and you have an opening that day then you will be glad to accommodate her. You are a business after all. School will be out soon and you wont have the child at all this summer.
            I see little people.


            • #7
              I would take the FT family. It's in my contract that FT will precede PT inquiries. I think that most programs do that in general. It's a little uncomfortable to enforce, though

              I have some friends that use daycare PT and it's happened that FT took thier spot and they totally understood where their provider was coming from.


              • #8
                Originally posted by littlesunshines View Post
                I would take the FT family. It's in my contract that FT will precede PT inquiries. I think that most programs do that in general. It's a little uncomfortable to enforce, though

                I have some friends that use daycare PT and it's happened that FT took thier spot and they totally understood where their provider was coming from.

                I've had it happen to me. I was working part time when my son was younger and ds was at a sitter part time. She had too many kids and had to drop some of us, so we were one that she dropped. (Peed me off that she had too many kids in the first place) But we were the first family that she had when she started child care, so it hurt that she dropped us.

                After that I couldn't find a good sitter that would take part time. The last two years I've been doing just part time sitting for people who needed it. But it doesn't normally last.


                • #9
                  Persephone,... you do not sit on children,.. =-) your not a baby sitter. Your a childcare provider. =-)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by View Post
                    Persephone,... you do not sit on children,.. =-) your not a baby sitter. Your a childcare provider. =-)


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the great replies!! I just spoke with my State inspector and I was misinformed about my ratio. In our training we were told our own children counted toward our ratio but come to find out in our particular city that is not the case so I just had 2 spots "open up". So it looks like I'll be able to keep him PT.

