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Mom Wants Me To Wake 3 Month Old??

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  • Mom Wants Me To Wake 3 Month Old??

    So I just started a new 3 month old. He wasn't sleeping great at home (45 minutes - hour) but here he's getting 2.5 - 3.5 hr naps both in the morning and afternoon. Mom said since starting he's been waking more at night and she's thinking about having me wake him at 2hrs. I HATE waking sleeping babies btw.

    What would you do??

  • #2
    I would tell the mom how important sleep is for a growing baby and allow for the baby to sleep when he/she needs to. Babies will sleep 16+ hours per 24 hour period.

    Tell her otherwise you can come wake him each day...


    • #3
      Thanks Daycare! I'm a registered user guys I just signed out to be a bit anon. Thanks!


      • #4
        Hrmmm. I wouldn't want to wake a sleeping 3 mo old, either! He is soooo little and needs all the sleep he wants/can get!

        I there something she's not doing right at home? It seems that is where the problem lies, not that he's sleeping at your house. Maybe gently offer some ideas as to how to help HER provide a better sleep environment rather than altering what you do with him?

        I wouldn't wake him if it were me.


        • #5
          I agree with Daycare - especially at that age - babies need their sleep. I've got a mom now that thinks her 4 month old should be sleeping 9 or 10 hours straight - her definition of sleeping through the night.::. I told her that if she wants to wake him, she can stop by and take him home early.


          • #6
            I wake infants at 3 hours, because that can interfere with night sleep, but never before. 45 minute naps are not restorative and typically cause more night wakings, so what mom is telling you is not true. Maybe the baby is going through a growth spurt and is waking more at night to eat. Maybe the baby is being put to bed too late and is overtired, which leads to more night wakings. There are lots of reasons he could be waking at night (which is normal for a 3 month old), but having good naps during the day is not going to contribute to night wakings.


            • #7
              Maybe refer her to the baby whisperer book? I just bought after reading the E.A.S.Y thread and have been reading and applying it, i think its great


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sprouts View Post
                Maybe refer her to the baby whisperer book? I just bought after reading the E.A.S.Y thread and have been reading and applying it, i think its great

                I also went out and bought this book because of the thread on here. It makes sense to me, what she says.


                • #9
                  I have noticed, that after the first few times of a baby sleeping a 4hr stretch (even if it is only at my house), they will soon do that at night for the parents. Getting used to sleeping a decent chunk of time without waking is a good thing. Seriuosly don't want to mess that up.

                  I wouldn't wake the baby, unless it is going on for over a week....where he is sleeping large chunks of time, sleeping the majority of the day & little at night. At that point, he is used to sleeping longer periods of time, those times should be able to be moved to nighttime.


                  • #10
                    dont fall for that. have baby sleep a healthy amount at your house regardless of what mom says is happening at home. seems like anytime a parent has a problem at home, they immediately blame it on the daycare and think that a change there will solve it. hes 3 months for goodness sakes, he needs sleep! you can also do 3 naps a day for 2 hours each nap. that way he is getting the same amount and technically, you are waking after 2 hours (just giving an extra nap)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sprouts View Post
                      Maybe refer her to the baby whisperer book? I just bought after reading the E.A.S.Y thread and have been reading and applying it, i think its great
                      I got it from the library, its a great book, I will probably buy it because its a good source.


                      • #12
                        "Just say NO"

                        No If's, And's, Why's or But's.
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #13
                          I have a 3 m/o in my dc and she sleeps 3-4 hours in the morning and 1-2 hours in the afternoon. I try and give her a nice bottle before she nods off so shes not to off on her feedings. I was worried that the mom might say she wasnt sleeping at night but she is. I would not wake him. Babies have natural bio rythums and its best to just let them sleep. There will come a time when hes more wakeful and then she will wish he was sleeping more. Sleep begats sleep. I use the healthy sleep habits happy child book. Is she a first time mom?


                          • #14
                            I have 3 adult children Two which have their own lives and one that will graduate this year from high school. And if you were to ask any of them what is the most important thing they have learned about me doing daycare is. They would tell you.....WE NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!::

