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Temporary Kids Are Defiant

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  • Temporary Kids Are Defiant

    I had a lady call me last night looking for childcare for her 2 girls because her dayhome is shut down due to the stomache flu.

    So I decided to take them today and tomorrow.

    The youngest is 3 and the oldest is 6.

    Here is how things have gone so far:

    1. 3 yro asked if she could pinch my dog? WTH? Umm no you may not.
    Well I pinch my dog and he doesnt bite me. Well good for you, dont touch my dog.

    2. 3 yro hops the baby gate, proceeds to head on into my kids rooms, my room and play with MY stuff. told her to get back downstairs and you are not allowed in my personal stuff. But Im allowed at the other dayhome. Well good for you, stay downstairs.

    3. Snack time. Nobody liked it. Cheese, crackers, pepperoni sticks. They want something else. Im sorry does it say MOMMIE'S RESTERAUNT on the front of the house? No it does not, eat it or go play.

    4. 3 yro sneaks her sippy cup :confused: downstairs and when I told her that drinks DO NOT LEAVE THE TABLE, she has a spazz. But im allowed to have drinks all over my house. Well good for you, MY HOUSE, MY RULES.

    It's not even lunch time yet.


  • #2
    Keep doing what you're doing. It's temporary, they aren't used to your rules. Whether they're telling you the truth or not about what they're allowed to do, you're doing the right thing by putting your foot down. I know it's frustrating, just keep with it. It's only 2 days right?


    • #3
      I'd tell mom at pickup that today didn't go well. That you can't keep them tomorrow.


      • #4
        I wouldn't let them out of my sight for one single second. They need CONSTANT second to second supervision at ALL times.


        • #5
          Duct tape her to the wall?

          Seriously, just keep doing what you're doing and don't let them out of your sight.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
            I wouldn't let them out of my sight for one single second. They need CONSTANT second to second supervision at ALL times.
            Nannyde I hear ya loud n clear I just put up all of my baby gates and 3 yro didnt like it too much when I told her she has to tell me when she needs to go to the bathroom, and she is not allowed to open the gates by herself.

            It will be a fun 2 days, but the extra money will now pay for our wall mount for our tv upstairs.


            • #7
              On the other hand at least the 6yro is well behaved. For now...... I hope........


              • #8
                Chalk it up to experience. I don't do temporary care, ever, for any reason. I hope they didn't bring their stomach flu with them. Eish. Sorry that happened to you


                • #9
                  Hang in there! Temp kids are tough!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
                    I hope they didn't bring their stomach flu with them. Eish.
                    That was what I was thinking. ::

                    Due to WHO'S stomach flu??

                    Ugh, temporary or part-time... I just don't have it in me anymore.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      So this 3 yro is here again today, full of piss and vinigar.

                      Brought toys from home, full of "well Im allowed to do this", wants to touch the baby, and when I told her she is never allowed to touch the baby, She droped a whole bunch of f-bombs at me.


                      Today is a good day, Today is a good day................


                      • #12
                        f-bombs huh?! Wow. Have fun sending THAT kid out the door this afternoon. Ugh.


                        • #13
                          I would of called mom up right there and then and told her it's time for you to pick up your children. I am sorry but potty mouth needs to be picked up right this moment. I can understand some of the less bad words but the FBOMB?!! Ohhh no!! I would sit her in time out telling her where making a call to mom right now. Then her mother can pick her child up and deal with that kind of behavior. That's just plain awful!!


                          • #14
                            I never do drop-in's and I never do temps. It just throws off the entire flow and energy of the daycare. Just WAY WAY WAY too stressful for this DCP!


                            • #15
                              I never take drop ins, it always seems to end up being more work than it's worth.

                              Enjoy your newly wall-mounted tv! You definitely earned it

