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What Part Of ... Was Confusing

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  • What Part Of ... Was Confusing

    What part of I need you to call me not E-mail if you have anything regarding this issue to tell me about, was confusing.

    So, for those of you that are regulars this is the bug bite like marks family.

    On Tuesday dad picked up and I spoke to him in person. I summarized the below letter which I also handed to him in person. It was already in a sealed envelope with Dad’s name on it as usually I see the girlfriend at pick up.

    Dear Dad,

    Because I desire to insure I am doing everything reasonable to insure the health and safety of DCB and all the children in my care. I have called the environmental health department and spoken with on of there experts and he said that until we can determine when/where DCB’s marks are occurring, then he will not be able to offer any assistance. Therefore, he has recommended the following plan which I will be implementing.
    In the morning, shortly before Gavin is placed in your car you and or Girlfriend should check DCB for marks. When DCB is dropped off at school he should be checked again for marks. Everyday when I pick DCB up form school I will check to see if he has any marks on him. Then when DCB is picked up the adult picking him up and I will check DCB for marks. Then you and or Girlfriend will need to re-check DCB for marks when taking him out of the car. This is the only way to isolate when/where the marks are occurring. Because, there was six weeks between occurrences I will be implementing this plan for at least ten weeks. The expert also recommends that if the marks reoccur you take him to the doctor while they are still visible so the doctor can determine if they are bug bites or a rash.
    Because, DCB has already had these bug bite like marks twice now and the cause is not certain then if they occur again I will require that DCB see a doctor while the marks are still visible and get a note before, returning coming to day care. The doctors note must indicate what the doctor thinks they are i.e. a rash or bug bite ect. or if you have anything regarding this issue to tell me about.
    Also because, this is a time sensitive issue I need you to call me not E-mail me if the marks return or if you have anything regarding this issue to tell me about.. I would like to put an end to these marks just as much as you do as we are both concerned for the safety, health and well being of DCB.

    Thank you


    Dear Mrs. ME,

    Yes, I think this would be a good measure to isolate where the skin irritations are coming from. At this point, DCB goes between 3 different places during the week: home, school and daycare, and then back to home. Girlfriend and I have pretty good visibility of his condition going between home and school, since we give him his shower and get him dressed in the morning, and usually he falls asleep in the car on the way home.

    I understand that it may be inconvenient for the kids to have a blanket during play, but would it be possible to continue using one during daycare hours? Gavin had a physical checkup with his doctor on Tuesday, and I raised the issue to ask what the irritations were and since DCB still had one on his arm, the doctor looked at it and quickly and easily identified it as an insect bite, particularly a flea bite. She said that typically is what the symptoms of a flea bite are: a small head where the bite occurred, and redness and inflammation surrounding the bite area.

    I ask that risk of any kind of exposure - even when he is in my personal care, or wherever he may be, is minimized. Therefore, since one of the places that he does spend time during the week is under your care, I ask that protection from exposure may be continued there.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss this with Girlfriend or myself. Since Girlfriend is there to pick him up and has cared for him as his mother figure for the last 4 years, please feel comfortable to discuss or disclose any concerns you may have to her as you would to me.



    So what I would I have to decide now is what to do now. The first time the marks occurred I did use a blanket for a while but it just gets in the way of the children playing and I do not think that is fair to the other children. Especially given that nobody else that comes into the house for any reason for daycare, to pick children up, or because they live there is getting “bitten.” Also we do not have any fur containing animals. I do not understand how putting a blanket down is going to help?

    Also, I am thinking about having Dad sign a permission for me to talk to Girldfreind slip. Because, while I realize that she is a significant part of DCB life under the law she is just some person that lives with them.

  • #2
    my whole opinion throughout this thing has been that the dad seriously needs to lighten up...really. A few bug bites 6 weeks apart is nothing. It's crazy that he is even so overly concerned. Does the boy not play outside? Do you not have mosquitoes where you live? Or other bitey things?

    If no one else in your care is getting bitten, then it's highly unlikely that the bites are happening at your house. Ask the other parents if you can--"hey, weird question; have you noticed any bug bites on dck lately?"

    The bites could just as easily be coming from school (another child with infested pet brings in a couple now and then) or the car (one bug, hour long ride...)

    I think the biggest issue with the plan of checking all the time is that bug bites can take a few hours to show up, so it's not fool-proof.

    Remind me again why the dad is going so nuts over a few bites 6 weeks apart?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      Really, what the dad is saying is he already knows its fleas. And he is 75% sure it is your house, and wants you to fix it.

      I would not force a child to play on a blanket. It is so limiting, embarrassing to be treated like a baby (only babies have play mats/blankets here), and a trip and fall hazard.

      My response would be along the lines of this is what I am doing, xyz (like you outlined to him). Any other reasonable measures would be considered, a blanket is unreasonable for your son.

      i wouldn't have even let it get to this point, bug bites happen. Frequently.


      • #4
        I would examine him BEFORE you receive him and before you release him every day.

        I would not take it further than that. What happens with them doesn't matter to you.

        When you pick him up from school... just take him to an area where you can inspect his body privately.

        Right at pick up... undress him in front of them and show them he doesn't have anything.

        If he comes back to you with any marks in between you will be certain it didn't happen with you. I would also NOT have him outside at all in the meantime if it is possible.

        The blanket thing is rediculous. Having a blanket down won't protect him from a flea bite.

        He thinks you have fleas in your house. I would ask him FOR the dr report that states the bite the doc saw was a flea bite.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
          my whole opinion throughout this thing has been that the dad seriously needs to lighten up...really. A few bug bites 6 weeks apart is nothing. It's crazy that he is even so overly concerned. Does the boy not play outside? Do you not have mosquitoes where you live? Or other bitey things?

          If no one else in your care is getting bitten, then it's highly unlikely that the bites are happening at your house. Ask the other parents if you can--"hey, weird question; have you noticed any bug bites on dck lately?"

          The bites could just as easily be coming from school (another child with infested pet brings in a couple now and then) or the car (one bug, hour long ride...)

          I think the biggest issue with the plan of checking all the time is that bug bites can take a few hours to show up, so it's not fool-proof.

          Remind me again why the dad is going so nuts over a few bites 6 weeks apart?
          insects or things that bite are not common here

          Most likely the bites if they are flees are coming form mom house she has several fur animals.

          I still think that the bites are from bed bugs in the child's car seat but I am not going to say that to Dad as that would just start and argument.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Solandia View Post
            Really, what the dad is saying is he already knows its fleas. And he is 75% sure it is your house, and wants you to fix it.

            I would not force a child to play on a blanket. It is so limiting, embarrassing to be treated like a baby (only babies have play mats/blankets here), and a trip and fall hazard.

            My response would be along the lines of this is what I am doing, xyz (like you outlined to him). Any other reasonable measures would be considered, a blanket is unreasonable for your son.

            i wouldn't have even let it get to this point, bug bites happen. Frequently.
            yah, I caught that dad is trying to blame me.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
              I would examine him BEFORE you receive him and before you release him every day.

              I would not take it further than that. What happens with them doesn't matter to you.

              When you pick him up from school... just take him to an area where you can inspect his body privately.

              Right at pick up... undress him in front of them and show them he doesn't have anything.

              If he comes back to you with any marks in between you will be certain it didn't happen with you. I would also NOT have him outside at all in the meantime if it is possible.

              The blanket thing is rediculous. Having a blanket down won't protect him from a flea bite.

              He thinks you have fleas in your house. I would ask him FOR the dr report that states the bite the doc saw was a flea bite.
              I think that what I am going to do is let Dad know that untell and unless I have a written dote from a doctor that has seen the bug bite like marks within 24 hours of there appearance indicating what they are I am going to stick with the adivice of the Envormental health department. Which is to continue to check the child when I recieve him and again when he leaves my care, amd that untell and unless we can detrimine with certainty what is causeing them a blanket on the floor may not slove the problem and may add to the problem as it might create a breeding ground for some insects, and would not be a proctection from many including flees.

              By the way nanyde do you think I should get dad to sign a note before discusing such issues with the girl friend?


              • #8
                Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
                I think that what I am going to do is let Dad know that untell and unless I have a written dote from a doctor that has seen the bug bite like marks within 24 hours of there appearance indicating what they are I am going to stick with the adivice of the Envormental health department. Which is to continue to check the child when I recieve him and again when he leaves my care, amd that untell and unless we can detrimine with certainty what is causeing them a blanket on the floor may not slove the problem and may add to the problem as it might create a breeding ground for some insects, and would not be a proctection from many including flees.

                By the way nanyde do you think I should get dad to sign a note before discusing such issues with the girl friend?
                You are in sue happy california just like me. Get a signed note from DCD giving you full permission to discuss all or any information regarding the health and behavior of the child.
                You may also write financial, but I'd just leave it at health and behavior. So sorry you are having to deal with this what a pain.
                Try to relax. I think dad is just trying to take out some aggression on you. I don't think he would keel bringing him there if he felt your house was flea infested


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daycare View Post
                  You are in sue happy california just like me. Get a signed note from DCD giving you full permission to discuss all or any information regarding the health and behavior of the child.
                  You may also write financial, but I'd just leave it at health and behavior. So sorry you are having to deal with this what a pain.
                  Try to relax. I think dad is just trying to take out some aggression on you. I don't think he would keel bringing him there if he felt your house was flea infested
                  I am not sure if Dad would keep bring him back even if he thought that my house was flee infeasted Dad thinks that I am his only option, for day care.


                  • #10
                    I would only do a blanket IF it was proven to be fleas, if it was proven that a blanket was a reasonable preventative and if it was proven to be your house.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                      I would only do a blanket IF it was proven to be fleas, if it was proven that a blanket was a reasonable preventative and if it was proven to be your house.
                      I was also thinking of letting Dad know that I do not have the means of cleaning the blanket everyday. (I do not have my own washe and dryer, I share one coin operated one with all for units in the building and my neighbors and I have an understanding that I use the laundery room from 6am untill 1:00pm every tuesday and almost no other time.) Therefore, if it was flees A blanket would creat one mor eplace for them to be.


                      • #12
                        You are much more patient than me. I'd show him the door. Bless you!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
                          I think that what I am going to do is let Dad know that untell and unless I have a written dote from a doctor that has seen the bug bite like marks within 24 hours of there appearance indicating what they are I am going to stick with the adivice of the Envormental health department. Which is to continue to check the child when I recieve him and again when he leaves my care, amd that untell and unless we can detrimine with certainty what is causeing them a blanket on the floor may not slove the problem and may add to the problem as it might create a breeding ground for some insects, and would not be a proctection from many including flees.

                          By the way nanyde do you think I should get dad to sign a note before discusing such issues with the girl friend?
                          Yes I would have the Dad sign a consent for the girlfriend to receive info.


                          • #14
                            I would inform dad that none of the people in your home have any bites but his son. That you have no indication of any infestation from insects or parasites. That you routinely clean and take measures to have a clean environment for not only your childcare but your family as well. That if anything changes, you will let him know but that you are almost positive the bites are not happening at your home. And to please let you know if he figures out what is happening.

                            Then go on with your life. Let him figure things out. HE IS THE PARENT. He needs to step up and stop blaming everyone else.


                            • #15
                              Forgive record I am not griping at you,... I am beyond angry with this man and think he is being an A #1 terd for insinuating you are responsible.

