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Trying To Decide...

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  • Trying To Decide...

    I'm writing up all my contracts info etc for my new in home daycare and I'm struggling with the ages I want to provide care for. I was leaning towards ages 2-5 because 1, I'll be doing a preschool program in addition to childcare, and 2, with the kids I already care for i have a kindergarten school run and a first grade school run. Seems like a lot of trouble to try to schedule naps around that kind of a driving schedule. But around my area, it seems to be a much higher need for infant care. Plus, I just love that little baby size! So I'm having a hard time deciding what's best. What has been your experience with your own choices for the age group you are caring for?

  • #2
    Well im stuck with little ones all in the 1-3 bracket for the moment. But who can pass up having a newborn in there too Im new at this too so ill be curious to see
    "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
    Acts 13:22


    • #3
      I do mixed group. Newborn to kindergarten. Instead of " preschool" I have a holistic approach to it. We do not have " circle time". We go over calendar, weather, etc. At lunch. They are already sitting at the table. We just add it to meals. We have literacy and social sharing, ( books, best and worst, etc) during morning play. We break out into song throughout the day. I adapt most activities for the abilities and interests of my group. We bend typical learning activities to fit our needs. We do not adapt to fit into a predescribed model of what preschool looks like.


      • #4
        I would love to do just preschool age if their was a high need for it sincevtgatscwhat I have taught the last six years but I love the toddler age too and right now I will take what I can get from nb to after school age ifbi could just find some more kids!

        Nb-5 years and afterschoolbis what I'm licensed for


        • #5
          If you have that many runs out to pick up kids and also are doing a curriculum, I would focus on kids that fit into both those things. you could always take a baby at a later date if you don't fill up. just from my experience, everything you have planned is going to be really, really hard with a baby in tow (especially more than 1).


          • #6
            I do 12 months to 5. Although I will take them at 9-10 months if the parents end their mat leave early. It's nice to know that every 12 month old I sign I have 4 years of income from that family before I have to look again.

            ETA: it's also nice to know I'm their first caregiver other than a parent. I don't have to break any bad habits and they are very adaptable to the routine at that age.


            • #7
              I love the babies so I will always do six weeks and up


              • #8
                I run a preschool ages 20 months to 5 years and there is no way I could take on a baby.
                It seems Like there is a lot of need for infants right now and now that I'm super low on my numbers I might be changing to meet the market.

