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Naptime Update Emails/Pics to Parents??

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  • Naptime Update Emails/Pics to Parents??

    I'm just starting out and b/c I have my own two kiddos my ratio of other kids is pretty low (4 at most and most days I'm around 2/3 b/c of my part-timers).

    I have great nappers and everyone sleeps 1p - 4p. The last couple of days I've been sending emails to the parents to just tell them how their LO is doing and have been attaching silly pictures from our art/craft fun for that day.

    How does everyone feel about that? I just don't want the parents to think I'm playing on the internet while I'm watching their LOs but during naptime I have the time and I know as a parent myself, I would love it.

    I'm always careful in the subject line to mention naptime. "Naptime Update"....

  • #2
    I think that's okay if it's something you have time to do. I like the fact that you put in there "naptime update".

    Maybe ask the parents how they feel about you sending them out?


    • #3
      I won't ever do it because I don't ever want to feel obligated to have to do it, if that makes sense. As far as what you do during naptime, your choice as your break of the day.


      • #4
        I have done thins quite a bit. I have not done it lately cuz I had 4 kids (2 & under) so I have just felt the need to rest myself. I will go back to taking more pics & updating the parents since I am loosing a couple.


        • #5
          I used to do that...

          I used to tell parents that I would do that and then it got really time consuming to upload all the pics and then send out all the emails (I only have 4 full time besides my own 2 kids) I slowly phased it out. I think if you have the heart to do it then that is an awsome "service" you provide to your parents.

          I take pictures throughout the week and post them on our preschool/daycare blog. I call it "Our Week in Pictures". I usually put little captions but I dont have to write a lot. It only takes me a couple of minutes each week and the parents love it.

          I also like that you call it a "Naptime Update". However, I am on the internet looking for ideas etc... while the kids play or at naptime and I do not think that is the parents long as it isnt interfering with the care of their child or running your business.


          • #6
            I use to do that on the weekends since I didn't have access to a computer at my former center. I would also send out my monthly newsletters etc. I did all that on weekends.

            I stopped the picture taking when parents weren't being appreciative of it. Never a thank you etc. I also stopped making the newsletters when I kept on finding them in our trash. The only time I did make a newsletter was when I had something REALLY important to say.

            I didn't mind doing it on the weekends as that was my only free time on the computer. However when I considered the fact that at that time I wasn't being paid enough plus not being appreciated enough, it wasn't worth the time nor effort.

            On the flip side, I did enjoy it though


            • #7
              Originally posted by originalkat View Post

              I take pictures throughout the week and post them on our preschool/daycare blog. I call it "Our Week in Pictures". I usually put little captions but I dont have to write a lot. It only takes me a couple of minutes each week and the parents love it.
              I love this idea! I might start this and add it to my website!!
              Last edited by Michael; 03-13-2010, 12:18 PM.


              • #8
                For the most part, all of my families contact me by email during the day. My computer is in the play area and they know I check often. I also email updates and parents appreciate it and I've never had a negative comment.


                • #9
                  It sounds like a fun thing to see as a parent. Be careful not to include any important info with it, in case the parents are too busy to look at the pics. Keep it separated, just in case.
                  If you feel it is appreciated, I don't think anyone should object.


                  • #10
                    If my girls were in daycare, I would LOVE to see updates and photos of them through the day.

                    I send my parents picture messages on my cell phone and they LOVE it. Lets them see their little ones during the day and what they are doing.


                    • #11
                      I've done this here and there, but I could never keep up with it. Maybe I can try it again one day when I get a faster computer... The one I have now it takes a good 4 minutes to recognize that I've plugged in my camera and then several more minutes to download the pics, then I have to log in to whatever I'm uploading the pics to, etc, etc, etc. It ended up eating up my little bit of free time on some days and on others (when there was no free time) it ate into my cleaning time, so I phased it out. I wish I could keep it up though. The parents really loved it when I was doing it.


                      • #12
                        I use to send email with pictures more regularly, but now it's hit and miss. My parents love it and actually will forward some of the pictures to grandparents. Every 2-3 months I would also burn the pictures to a cd for the family, that way they could print out the pictures they wanted and I didn't feel like I had to print them. Sometimes I'll let the kids pick a picture to send and dictate an email to the parents. I type EXACTLY what the kid is saying, which the parents love.

                        If I had to have my kids in child care and received an email from their provider with a photo and a note, I know I would really appreciate that. I'm sure your parents do also.


                        • #13
                          As a parent, I would love it! As a provider... I could see it shifting into an obligation versus a courtesy once the parents get accustomed to receiving images so often. I personally am starting a blog on the website and I also have a facebook page where I can upload pics and videos from our art studio to share as I have time to. Also, make sure the parents have signed a media release with their contract so you don't have to deal with any privacy issues!


                          • #14
                            My two cents-

                            Don't start something you can't keep up.

                            I would have a monthly news letter and include pictures in there.

                            Love your website.


                            • #15
                              I do send emails/texts/photos but at random times throughout the day. Some days I might send several if we have done something new/special other days I don't send any. I don't want it to become an expectation or obligation. My DCP are usually very appreciative. I can take & email a pic from my phone in less than a minute so I don't feel it takes up a lot of time that way, but it can eat up my phone plan!

