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Non-Eater Shovels In Food For Desset. Gags, Chokes, Scares The Crap Out Of Me!

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  • Non-Eater Shovels In Food For Desset. Gags, Chokes, Scares The Crap Out Of Me!

    Ok so I have the typical non eater.

    Hes 2.25 yrs old and still on a bottle at home. He sometimes comes in with a bottle of chocolate milk in the mornings where I get the embarrassed excuse from mom "he wont go to school with it so Im in no hurry to get rid of it" and she promptly snatches it away. So because of this bottle, or even if he hasnt had one (or maybe im not aware that he has that day) he doesnt eat for me.

    No breakfast, hardly a am snack, never a lunch and not really a pm snack. No liquids either. I offer milk for breakfast and lunch and water for snacks and any time they are thirsty. His mom tells me its hit and miss for him to eat for her and his dad has said the same thing too. When I ask what he eats at home, because im actually concerned and figure maybe Ill just make what they make, I get "oh well its hit and miss but last night he ate 3 bowls of pasta!". I get a sneaky suspision that they arent being truthful with me. Monday I told mom what his day was like and she exclaims "we're gonna make cookies!". Im not knocking her for being a mom and doing great stuff with her kids but I bet that was his dinner.

    I get frustrated like you guys as I waste A LOT of food and since Im not on the food program I dont get anything back for his lost food. I offer him what I offer the other kids, including desserts. Boy can that kid pound down his carrot cake! Or whoopie pie! Or beet cookies! Then his plate goes in the sink and hes "awl don".

    Im not the parent I know but I believe in good eating! I want him to at least TRY something. So Ive opted to the "try a bite" approach before dessert. He will comply for the most part and I dont force him to eat anything he doesnt like but he STUFFS his mouth super fast. Ive told him to slow down and that at any time he doesnt like it he does not have to eat it but the kid acts like Im sentencing him to cat food for lunch. He wants that dessert so bad that he almost chokes himself to get to it. There are some foods he gags on (like my version of pizza) and some foods he eats just fine so I know its not because he just hates everything I make.

    You guys, do I just say "screw it, eat the friggin cake" or what? Mom always acts super concerned when I say what he ate that day, or lack there of but I dont know. I was hoping that group lunch would help him branch out but all he wants is sweets. If my kids dcp said all he ate was cake all day Id have a cow.

    His mom is a educator too. Shes fully aware of all guidelines for kids.

    I guess Im just more frustrated then anything. In the end I know there is really nothing I can do. Some days though, it makes me feel like Im failing ya know. Cant fix everything.
    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".

  • #2
    Trying out my Tom Hanks impression....

    "Desert???? Theres no desert in daycare....."
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Catherder View Post
      Trying out my Tom Hanks impression....

      "Desert???? Theres no desert in daycare....."
      Thatll be my next thing. I feel bad for depriving ALL the kids because of one but at this point Id rather remove all temptation and hope he just learns to eat on his own.

      For the record hes been here almost a YEAR.
      "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


      • #4
        Here, desert is fresh fruit or sweet peas. :-). No cookies, no cakes, no pie, pudding or jello.


        • #5
          Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
          Here, desert is fresh fruit or sweet peas. :-). No cookies, no cakes, no pie, pudding or jello.
          Thats good too but I serve all that on a regular basis and really stray from any un natural stuff. I make everything from scratch and like to award the kids who eat the "right stuff" with a little fat. I feel its unfair they have it on their plates and the one who eats jack gets to see it but then again its unfair to take away the "treat" because Sir Sugar cant eat some pomegranates.

          He acts like Im killing him. I am! With fresh food that was picked from the farm the day before.

          THE HORROR!!
          "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


          • #6
            I do like Laundry

            Pudding = Vanilla Yogurt with sliced bananas and granola

            Cake = Bread mix with applesauce, peaches, berries, oatmeal or pureed veggies added.

            Cookies....see cake but smaller.

            Even my party cupcakes are whole wheat with fruit and cream cheese as topping (I do toss a few sprinkles on things to dress them up a bit).
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              We don't eat desert either other than birthday or holiday parties so they never expect it or hold out for it. I HATE food battles and I don't want to create new ones. Simple, tasty, healthy boring food, day in and day out.

              I would guess he has lots of milk bottles (no cup) and a junk diet at home. I would just keep offering him healthy choices and cut out the deserts.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                Cake = Bread mix with applesauce, peaches, berries, oatmeal or pureed veggies added.

                Cookies....see cake but smaller.
                These are wonderful ideas that I love!! Man if these work Ill send you up an ikea set of cups, plates and utensils.

                "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                • #9
                  I'm with Laundrymom...we don't have sweet here. If a parent comes in with one there told right away no snacks at drop off. And it has happened where a child has walked in with a ly pop. As soon as they leave...I'm the meanie bc It goes in the trash. For lunch if they finish there food they get 1 cookie. During the hot season after naps they will get a popsicle. Sometimes fruitsnacks. But mainly snacks from sprouts or veggie sticks, snapa crispy's, things that I know there going to get some fruit and fiber from. We also do a lot of raisins and peanut butter crackers maybe even carrot and ranch dressing. It depends. I like to give them a couple ideals for the day. And we switch it out week to week.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                    I would guess he has lots of milk bottles (no cup) and a junk diet at home. I would just keep offering him healthy choices and cut out the deserts.

                    Im guessing the same thing too! We use cups here and Ive actually put away any sippy cups and havent had bottles out for over a year since I dont have an infant (well not for another week) and my ds is 2 yrs old.

                    Id really rather him not have anything here (as bad as it sounds) then eat nothing but junk on my watch. In his 10hr day he eats and drinks nothing. After a year of this youd think he'd either be A) skinny (oh hes not, exact opposite so that tells me __________) and B) EATING or C) none of the above.

                    Answer: C

                    Cutting out the dessert will free up some prep time for me anyways. The other kids wont die because Mrs E didnt make anything "special".
                    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by E Daycare View Post
                      These are wonderful ideas that I love!! Man if these work Ill send you up an ikea set of cups, plates and utensils.

                      Sounds like a win-win!!! ::

                      Puree fruits and veggies well for a while until they start to love the flavors, then slowly allow for bigger and bigger chunks to be visible.

                      You can add them to any starch...rice, pasta, breads...the sky is the limit. No need to have an empty starch.

                      Nan is the puree Queen. She has the best ideas on those.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #12
                        For instance, today I made:

                        Free range chicken
                        Steamed corn and carrots
                        Apples that were picked from the farm
                        Home made wheat bread that was toasted with garlic
                        Home made carrot cake with fresh carrots and cream from the farm

                        He ate the carrot cake. He was hesitant at first when I said carrot but he got over that once he realized it was cake.

                        Most of the other dck ate some of the stuff and my kid scarfed it down like tomorrow Id be serving KFC.

                        Dont know.
                        "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                          Sounds like a win-win!!! ::

                          Puree fruits and veggies well for a while until they start to love the flavors, then slowly allow for bigger and bigger chunks to be visible.

                          You can add them to any starch...rice, pasta, breads...the sky is the limit. No need to have an empty starch.

                          Nan is the puree Queen. She has the best ideas on those.
                          Im gonna start on these! Shes mentioned that her kids eat most anything when its pureed so Id like to see how itll work on my end.

                          Ive made applesauce like that with a lot of "extras" thrown in (like carrots, squash and sweet pots) but its still a no go.

                          I dont think he has an oral aversion issue as Ive dealt with that before with one of my preemies. I think its a "good food" aversion.

                          If I said it was laced with suckers and sugar cane he'd prolly go for it. Am I right? LOL::
                          "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                          • #14
                            Nix all sweets and for the horking make a one handed picking shirt and dice the pieces of what he likes into pencil eraser size bites...

                            You are competing with the ULTIMATE food problem.... sucky candy (chocolate milk bottle) that is most likely fully fatted.

                            There's no way in HECK he's ever going to like anything good when he can suck candy out of a bottle at home.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                              Sounds like a win-win!!! ::

                              Puree fruits and veggies well for a while until they start to love the flavors, then slowly allow for bigger and bigger chunks to be visible.

                              You can add them to any starch...rice, pasta, breads...the sky is the limit. No need to have an empty starch.

                              Nan is the puree Queen. She has the best ideas on those.
                              I am the MASTERBLENDER.

                              Send me that kid for a week and I will have him begging for Kale and Portabellas.
                              Last edited by nannyde; 10-12-2011, 01:27 PM.

