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The Positive Thread - What Happened That was GOOD Today?

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  • Originally posted by DCMom View Post
    Friday was the last day for one of my favorite, long time families (8 years). Long story short, they decided to pull the girls (5 & 8) out of dc for the summer and hired a high school girl. I was very sad and hurt at first, but they were going to leave in the fall anyway because of school so I just looked at it as leaving early. Why am I posting in the 'positive' thread?

    Dcm called this morning just to tell me that she missed me already because she had went home at lunch time (today was the first day with the new arrangement) and her house was a complete and total disaster~she said she wasn't sure if this was a good decision or not! She was completely serious, LOL

    Then she asked if I had read the card she had given me on Friday; embarrassed I said no (I hadn't opened it because I was too sad to read it), so I grabbed it as I was talking to her and opened it...what falls out? A large bonus check! I was speechless. I had been talking about a fountain for the back yard and she told me to use the check to buy it~and think of her girls when I look at it. Isn't that sweet?

    If every family appreciated us like that, we wouldn't need venting threads. Honestly.
    I don't think I would be capable of talking for at least an hour - I would have been crying! I sure hope you got a letter of recommendation from her since it sounds like she would give you a glowing one.


    • My 4yo dcg, without being asked, walked across the room to put a shoe back on a 18mth dcb whom reponded with "tank-chu". 4yo said "you are welcome" and helped him to stand up before returning to her puzzle table.

      Now, this same boy would have rolled in circles yelling "no choos" for me ::. The same 4yo throws toys at her own brother at home....

      Love it when they think I am not looking They crack me up!!!


      • Had a great day with the daycare kids at the zoo today. I only have one family right now since I'm waiting until I have my baby to start adding more daycare kids. The family has three girls. I also had my two girls and two of my nieces. My mom and sister-on-law were there to help out. I'm so proud of the girls. There were no temper tantrums, melt downs, bad behavior, or lost kids. Everyone stayed together, was polite, and were interested in learning about the animals. My 11-year-old daughter helped keep track of all the kids without me asking her to do it. My eight-year-old niece volunteered to push one of the strollers when one of the little ones got tired (although we didn't actually let her push the stroller). The five-year-old dcg kept reminding everyone to be nice to the animals by not poking fingers in cages or banging on glass. The four-year-old dcg helped console one of the little ones when she fell down. The two-year-old dcg and two-year-old niece went all day without a nap without being grumpy about it. And my 15-month-old daughter was bubbly and smiley all day and was just amazed at all the animals. It was a great day and it reminded me why I enjoy what I do and allowed me to really appreciate the quality family that I help take care of. Just one of those warm and fuzzy days!
        Proverbs 12:1
        A reminder to myself when I resist learning something new.


        • Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
          My 4yo dcg, without being asked, walked across the room to put a shoe back on a 18mth dcb whom reponded with "tank-chu". 4yo said "you are welcome" and helped him to stand up before returning to her puzzle table.

          Now, this same boy would have rolled in circles yelling "no choos" for me ::. The same 4yo throws toys at her own brother at home....

          Love it when they think I am not looking They crack me up!!!
          I totally love catching kids in the act when they have no idea that I'm there. Whether they are behaving badly and get embarassed when they finally realized that I saw everything, or when they were being really silly and had no idea I saw them, or like you experienced today when they are extra nice to each other and you know that it wasn't to impress anybody. I love those moments.
          Proverbs 12:1
          A reminder to myself when I resist learning something new.


          • The weather was great and we got to spend the better part of the day outside in the sprinkler and baby pool! Day went by fast! Woohoo!


            • Today was the last day for my Thursday-only dcb. Liked him a lot. His mom volunteers at her older son's school for 2 hours each week and now that school is out, she doesn't need care anymore. Mom said that she would recommend me to anyone she knows is looking for care.

              The good thing is that now I can fill that spot with a full-timer. Yay!


              • I had 4 of my daycare "alumni" come back and spend the day with me today! All of these kids started with me when they were infants, grew up in my daycare and only left when they started school. But today I had a 9 year old, two 12-year olds and a 15 year old at daycare I had such a great time with these kids - they're really such awesome people, and the fact that they all wanted to be here, and spent the day "reminiscing" was simply priceless!!


                • Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                  I had 4 of my daycare "alumni" come back and spend the day with me today! All of these kids started with me when they were infants, grew up in my daycare and only left when they started school. But today I had a 9 year old, two 12-year olds and a 15 year old at daycare I had such a great time with these kids - they're really such awesome people, and the fact that they all wanted to be here, and spent the day "reminiscing" was simply priceless!!
                  Wow, that's quite a testimony for you that you must be an awesome provider. Yeah, Pammie!!!


                  • So excited! We are picking up a hot tub today after work. I found it on CL for $250 but it does need work (comes with parts to fix) We also need to do some rewiring of the house & garage so it can handle the extra load. But we have the perfect spot for it so I dont have to worry about licensing having a fit about it with the DCKs.


                    • I am DONE for the summer! Vacation time!


                      • Proud of my dc kids

                        I was really irritated this morning; it is our 'going to the park' day and my assistant (who has been on vacation all last week and two days this week) called in 'sick'. I may post something in the venting thread on that one....

                        Anyway, I decided to take the kids to the park by myself since it's not their fault and they look forward to it. I sat them down and told them that I needed absolutely their best behavior or we couldn't go to the park. They all agreed All nine of them (plus two babies).

                        They did awesome! They all played nicely together, no fighting etc. We were having a little snack, some water and preparing to go home when this grandma there with her granddaughter came up to me and complimented me AND the kids on how well behaved they were.

                        I'm just so proud of them~it makes up for the less than stellar day we had yesterday, !


                        • Had to share because kids say the most humorous things. During lunch and after our "open them and shut them" song has been sung one of my most sweetest little angels pipes up. "I came out of my mommy's tummy when I was born and then she brought me home". Next I heard the little boy sitting next to her say in a loud voice "eww, did the doctor RIP your mommy's tummy to get you out? Then to top her story he promptly followed up the comment with "Well I came out of my mommy's tummy TEN TIMES!" ::


                          • Lmao!

                            Kids say the funniest things! I like their bluntness! One of mine informed me that she only lived in her mommy's tummy, but she got out of her mommy's vagina! I was drinking at the time and I was so caught by surprise that my pop went up my nose and went out everywhere! I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. She then told me that her mommy didn't have her like her grandma's cow had her baby. Her mommy's doctor didn't pull her out with a rope like the mommy cow's baby!

                            Also, for the post about the kids being awesome at the park, WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! I love it when kids give me reason to trust them by making good choices! It opens so many doors as far as the kind of activities that you can do with them! I would be high-fiving and hugging and praising the crap out of the kids! I love the feeling of knowing that they can consciously make good choices!


                            • My day ended early today! Yay! And we don't have 10 million places to run tonight so I get to relax with my family!!!


                              • Great news today!! I have an interview on Thursday for a new one to start mid august. This will replace my schooler who is here for the summer! Im full!!! absolutely positively FULL!!!!!

