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Unions!!! Ughhh. Here's A Link To Follow...

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  • Unions!!! Ughhh. Here's A Link To Follow...

    AND I just got a notice in the mail that it's not "required", but if I don't register my daycare I may not be able to renew my license next year. Something tells me it's somehow connected to the mandatory unions for daycare's they are trying to push here.
    Pretty sure I will be DONE if that happens. Doesn't make any sense to me how they can justify forcing unions on daycares when they independent businesses.

  • #2
    Originally posted by SimpleMom View Post

    AND I just got a notice in the mail that it's not "required", but if I don't register my daycare I may not be able to renew my license next year. Something tells me it's somehow connected to the mandatory unions for daycare's they are trying to push here.
    Pretty sure I will be DONE if that happens. Doesn't make any sense to me how they can justify forcing unions on daycares when they independent businesses.
    In Minnesota, huh? ::

    Are you referring to the letter from DHS asking for your tax ID#?

    I think it is some new statute that was passed; I've been licensed for nearly 20 years, had a state tax ID# for nearly as long and I have never been asked to provide it. Besides, they already have your SS# to do your background check. I'm sure it's some new way to make sure you are paying all your taxes.....

    I called DHS just to ask a few questions You must leave a message in special voicemail box or send an email to a special address and someone will respond. That was on Friday and I have yet to hear from them. I'm sure they were expecting a large call volume after all the union crap the last few weeks.


    • #3
      I'm in MI and we were as family home daycares forced to "join" a union. Most of us did not even know there was a union until we already were a member. They automatically took 1.15% of every state subsidy check for dues each pay period which came out to be almost $300 a year for me. That lasted a couple of years and was finally busted up. There is currently a class action suit against the union to repay us our money but will take a couple more years to get to court. Do a search on and you will find more information about unions. I'd fight it if you don't want it. Get together with your area providers.
      I see little people.


      • #4
        There is a provider near me who is working very hard with providers to make sure we have a voice on whether or not we want a union. We think we should be able to vote, and not have it just be an executive order.
        She sent this email 10/8
        AFSCME/CCPT is going to start another major door-knocking campaign Monday. Get the word out, remind providers to NOT sign anything, take info and do research! Call 911 if you feel intimidated or pressure.


        Looking at the Privacy Notice on the bottom of the DHS letter, it appears it is to ensure you are paying your taxes. It says DHS will share this info with MN Dept of Rev, who may also supply this info to IRS. I see no union stuff on here... I also see no numbers or email addresses to address questions to.
        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


        • #5
          I do have to say this" My sister works as a childcare representative for the union here in WI. I know many of you are resistant, and I honor that. But, you should know that she has spent 70+ hours a week for the last 2 years fighting for provider rights in this state. She was paid a decent hourly salary, but not what you might think.

          She has gone to court, even though she is not an attorney, and "represented" several providers who were WRONGLY accused of fraud, and raked through the coals. I cannot give you examples, and some of them are pretty unbelievable anyway. But, please beleive that for all those people who did, indeed, commit fraud against the state, there were many providers caught in the net who just did not understand that you must dot EVERY I, and cross EVERY T, or else.

          For example, if your food program attendance does not EXACTLY match your attendance records at any given moment, you must be commiting fraud. If you are kicked out of the food program for not having your records up-to-date 3 times when they do unannounced .visits, your license is automatically revoked in this state, effective as of that day. This has happened to several providers.

          I am not suggesting that anyone should have to join a union, but once upon a time, there was a reason that they started, even if it seems long lost. I am only saying that there are two sides to every story, and this is ours. I totally respect everyone else' position!


          • #6
            Yes, the whole aspect of them helping you if you need it is what is appealing to me. I've actually met our representative and she tells you call me and I will be there asap to help you. Say nothing until we can talk.

            By the way I thought the title of this post said-Onions!!! Need to take a reading break!
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              I don't have a problem with a union, if you choose to participate. I have no interest in participating, but in MN it is my understanding that it is all or none. If it is voted in, I will be required to participate whether I want to or not.

              The food program is not it? It's not in MN. When you sign the application, you voluntarily agree to keep your records up to date on a daily basis, feed the kids based on meal patterns, agree to attend trainings, etc. If you don't comply with what you agree to, then you ARE committing fraud, right? I'm not sure how the state can take your license for not complying with a voluntary program? That doesn't seem right somehow. JMHO.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                By the way I thought the title of this post said-Onions!!! Need to take a reading break!
                Thank you! Every time I see it I think Onions! Ugh!

                I started to read the thread thinking that onions were now a required food to feed the young-uns! Oh Lordy... and it's only Tuesday!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DCMom View Post
                  I don't have a problem with a union, if you choose to participate. I have no interest in participating, but in MN it is my understanding that it is all or none. If it is voted in, I will be required to participate whether I want to or not.

                  The food program is not it? It's not in MN. When you sign the application, you voluntarily agree to keep your records up to date on a daily basis, feed the kids based on meal patterns, agree to attend trainings, etc. If you don't comply with what you agree to, then you ARE committing fraud, right? I'm not sure how the state can take your license for not complying with a voluntary program? That doesn't seem right somehow. JMHO.

                  Oh definately, you should be keeping your records, and the food program isn't mandatory. The problem is, once in a great while, it may be an hour after lunch before you can get lunch entered into the computer, or a child may come into your daycare while another one (or two or three) are crying, or you are changing a diaper, or otherwise distracted.

                  In our state, attendance must be accurate AT ALL TIMES. So, if you are further distracted, and a licenser comes in, you are written up for innacurate attendance. If you are spot checked during either one of those scenarios, you could be accused of fraud.

                  Another example might be if you are checking kids into the minute menu system, and accidently check one who was absent OR don't check one that was there, one could say that you are purposely commiting fraud.

                  We have to let our food program person know whenever we are not going to be here. That means, days off, sick days, a field trip. If you don't tell you consultant that you are gone, and she shows up, they write you up. If that happens 3 times (in any time period-could be 10 years), then you are kicked out of the food program, who shares the info with licensing, who then revokes your license. I recently called the food program about a day off, and was told "oh don't worry, your consultant doesnt work that day of the week". Guess what day she showed up? My DH answered the door (his day off). Luckily, she followed up with the office staff there and someone copped to telling me that, sort of. Big no no anyway, we aren't supposed to know that type of thing. Ruins the suprise!

                  There have also been a number of situations when providers have asked about procedures, and have gotten a verbal answer (from licensers or food program consulants). Then later, it is said that they are doing it wrong, and no one seems to remember giving out that information. Lesson there-always get your answers in writing!

                  So, anyway, I was more or less agreeing with you, just saying that things aren't always so black and white. You should NOT be forced to join a union, I certainly agree with that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bbo View Post
                    Oh definately, you should be keeping your records, and the food program isn't mandatory. The problem is, once in a great while, it may be an hour after lunch before you can get lunch entered into the computer, or a child may come into your daycare while another one (or two or three) are crying, or you are changing a diaper, or otherwise distracted.

                    In our state, attendance must be accurate AT ALL TIMES. So, if you are further distracted, and a licenser comes in, you are written up for innacurate attendance. If you are spot checked during either one of those scenarios, you could be accused of fraud.
                    Another example might be if you are checking kids into the minute menu system, and accidently check one who was absent OR don't check one that was there, one could say that you are purposely commiting fraud.

                    We have to let our food program person know whenever we are not going to be here. That means, days off, sick days, a field trip. If you don't tell you consultant that you are gone, and she shows up, they write you up. If that happens 3 times (in any time period-could be 10 years), then you are kicked out of the food program, who shares the info with licensing, who then revokes your license. I recently called the food program about a day off, and was told "oh don't worry, your consultant doesnt work that day of the week". Guess what day she showed up? My DH answered the door (his day off). Luckily, she followed up with the office staff there and someone copped to telling me that, sort of. Big no no anyway, we aren't supposed to know that type of thing. Ruins the suprise!

                    There have also been a number of situations when providers have asked about procedures, and have gotten a verbal answer (from licensers or food program consulants). Then later, it is said that they are doing it wrong, and no one seems to remember giving out that information. Lesson there-always get your answers in writing!

                    So, anyway, I was more or less agreeing with you, just saying that things aren't always so black and white. You should NOT be forced to join a union, I certainly agree with that.
                    Wow! That is a drag!! Our state requires us to have all food attendance records up to date within a 24 hour time period. Meaning I can enter all information at the end of the day or just prior to opening the next day.

                    As far as information given out, our food rep gives us everything in writting. Our food rep also gave us a door hanger so that if we are out on a field trip or closed for the day, we just hang the door hanger on our door know and we are good.

                    Also in my state, my licensor has no concern whatsoever about food program participation or whether or not we have been kicked out or even on it at all. She said the only contact she has with the food program EVER is the food rep is required by law to report to licensing if she does a visit and visually sees more kids in attendance than I am licensed for. Other than that, my licensing agency and food program are two separate agencies that don't play in the same sandbox.

                    Over the last few months I have read a lot of differing rules/regs from all the different states and I just wanna say I love my state and I do not want any part of a union.

                    I think my state has a pretty good handle on what we got goin'on here....


                    • #11
                      Here in MI we did not get the voice or anything else we were promised from the childcareprovidersunite. They were a part of the UAW and were just getting $$$ for the UAW when they were having all the bankruptcy problems with the "Big 3". The promised group health insurance benefits to be made available at a reasonable rate among other things, but that never materialized.

                      Once we got a list of people to vote for and DH started going thru the list and googling them. He found one that was that had been convicted of stealing electricity, one was just the first name(Linda, I believe), one was a lawyer from another state.

                      If every one of the home providers in MI (41,000 I think) paid an average of $200 a year that was $8 million of our dollars that the union got. The only thing that they did that I am aware of was get a raise from the state. That raise turned out to be LESS than what I paid in union dues.

                      I believe that unions can be beneficial in some applications but it takes time to police their actions and as a provider of childcare I do not have the time nor the money to do so.
                      I see little people.

