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Ugg! All 6 Kids Here With Cold And Coughs...

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  • Ugg! All 6 Kids Here With Cold And Coughs...

    I'm listening to lots of snoring and coughing during nap today. Luckily 60% of the time this morning they covered their mouth with their cough catchers (arm).

    I guess it's good it's all at once. I just hope I don't get it. We have a VERY busy week and weekend and I can't be down for the count.

  • #2
    BLEACH!! BLEACH!! BLEACH!! Gotta love this time of year...


    • #3
      That sounds like a bad day. GAH. Sorry.
      ECE and Mother to a 4 year old girl and 21 month old boy


      • #4
        We have little ones saying they have sick belly's and noses. I have been pumping vit C in me. Hoping to stay well.


        • #5
          ick....are you sure all those kids should even be attending right now? I would go on fever patrol and send home anyone I could that is running a temp, has excessive coughing/runny nose and whoever is not keeping up with the regular daycare activities. break out the lysol and such and sanitize everything!


          • #6
            I'm in the same boat. Only one child is without some level of cold! You can probably tell which house is mine by the lysol fog hovering overhead at around 5:30!

            BTW... our "cough catcher" is called "cover Dracula style". the kids are now faking coughs in order to cover! Whatever works!!!


            • #7
              Yeah, no fevers. This is day two. Did have one throw up phlem from coughing. It was right after nap and she was crying (she crys sometimes after nap). Anyways, I think she just had a bunch of plem and choked on it. Luckily we were in the bathroom already for a potty break.

              She's probably my worst cougher right now BUT is the one covering her mouth the best too. I just hope today is not a repeat of yesterday after nap. She just coughs so hard when she's sleeping.

