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Follow Up On Child With "Bug Bite Like Marks"

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  • Follow Up On Child With "Bug Bite Like Marks"

    So when I picked this child up from school today he had one mark on his right arm that does look like a healing bug bite. When I asked him asked the child about the mark and if he used to have any others. The child indicated that he did have three on his left arm, two on his right arm, and two on his face. Dad’s E-mail to me was Wednesday morning so the child has not been in dad’s care since then. (that is the usual schedule as explained to me and mom signed child into school Thursday and Friday)

    So for those of you that have dealt with bed bugs what does the bites look like? How long does it take for a mark to show up? And how long can the bugs live do they need to feed on humans like lice do?

    Not sure if I can ask for a doctor’s note at this point there is nothing for the doctor to look at. Would it be unreasonable to let dad know that if this happens again the child will not be allowed back in care until he see a doctor and has a note indicating what the marks are and a treatment plan. I still plan on checking the child at pick up from school and when picked up from my house. For at least 10 weeks as there was 6 weeks between the last to episodes.

  • #2
    Here is some info:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Michael View Post
      Thanks that is kinda what it looks like and what they looked like last time.

      I do not know what to now.


      • #4
        I would demand a note from a dr. You are not a dr, and you cant diagnose if its bug bites or not. A dr needs to see him. Just tell the dad you need to know for sure that it isnt anything contagious, for the safety of everyone in your home.


        • #5
          Just wondering what is making you think its bed bugs? After reading your first post my first thought was maybe fleas? If dad has a dog and the dog is normally allowed in dads car it would be possible that the fleas are in the car. I don't remember exactly but i think it sounded like DCB would leave your house fine, have an hour car ride (?) and then dad would realize them when they got home?

          I feel bad for the child. Either way they are so itchy.


          • #6
            I would require a doctor's visit. Place the responsibility on this parent to figure this out. It is obviously not your home as no one else there is having any issues whatsoever and the marks do not seem to be timed for when this boy is in attendance. Tell the dad he is welcome to keep the boy home until this is worked out. It should just take a week or less to see that the bites are still occurring even when the boy is no longer coming to your home.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DaycareMama View Post
              Just wondering what is making you think its bed bugs? After reading your first post my first thought was maybe fleas? If dad has a dog and the dog is normally allowed in dads car it would be possible that the fleas are in the car. I don't remember exactly but i think it sounded like DCB would leave your house fine, have an hour car ride (?) and then dad would realize them when they got home?

              I feel bad for the child. Either way they are so itchy.
              Mom's center had bed bugs a few months before the child started care with me. I do not think dad has any pet will ask.

              Yes the child leaves my house and nobody notices marks on the child and then has an hour plus car ride home. Both times the dad said the child fell asleep on the way home and then the marks where noticed when placing him in bed.


              • #8
                I am going to ask the child if he has any pets.

                I am going to make a point of pointing out that the child has no marks on him when he leaves my house. Because, Dad thinks they are happening at my house. The next time the child get these I will tell dad he needs a doctors note. Not sure if I should warn Dad that this is the plan or not.


                • #9
                  I might be concerned about bed bug especially if Mom's center had them a couple of months prior. Those things are travelers and would be very concerned that they would be in my house too. I just had a DCB go to the doctor about some spots that he had on him and they were told flee bites. Mom was so certain that their cat didn't have flees. I told them that DCK couldn't come back until they brought the cat to the vet to get it checked out and low and behold cat had flees. Over the weekend I did Borax my carpets(no pet) just to be sure they hadn't been already brought over, but I've heard bed bugs are way worse to get rid off.


                  • #10
                    I had dck that had them for a while and they were pretty concentrated at the bottom of their legs and on their hands.


                    • #11
                      Ugh! Bed bugs at moms center is not good. Hope this resolves quickly for you. I would make dad sign off that Johnny has "no marks" before he leaves your house with him every pickup!

                      Could the bed bugs be living off the dead skin in the kids car seat??? Not really sure how they thrive but I still feel dads car holds the key


                      • #12
                        I do not really know very much about bed bugs so I have put a call into the environmental health department, an expert is going to call me back at some point today. I will make sure that the person who picks the child up is fully aware of the lack of marks on the child.


                        • #13
                          Letter to Dad

                          So here is a copy of the letter I plan on giving to Dad. I am going to place it in a sealed envelope with Dad’s name on it and give it to his girlfriend at pick up (I almost never see Dad in person

                          Then I will send one to Dad via certified mail. Because, I have no way of knowing for sure if dad gets the things I send home via his girlfriend. In the past when I have sent things in a sealed envelope that need to be signed and returned I do not get them back until I contact Dad and remind him about it.

                          Sorry the letter is harder to follow since I replaced names with Dad, Boy, or other adult.

                          Dear Dad,

                          Because I desire to insure I am doing everything reasonable to insure the health and safety of Boy and all the children in my care. I have called the environmental health department and spoken with on of there experts and he said that until we can determine when/where Boy’s marks are occurring, then he will not be able to offer any assistance. Therefore, he has recommended the following plan which I will be implementing.

                          In the morning, shortly before Boy is placed in your car you and or other adult should check Boy for marks. When Boy is dropped off at school he should be checked again for marks. Everyday when I pick Boy up form school I will check to see if he has any marks on him. Then when Boy is picked up the adult picking him up and I will check Boy for marks. Then you and or Other Adult will need to re-check Boy for marks when taking him out of the car. This is the only way to isolate when/where the marks are occurring. Because, there was six weeks between occurrences I will be implementing this plan for at least ten weeks. The expert also recommends that if the marks reoccur you take him to the doctor while they are still visible so the doctor can determine if they are bug bites or a rash.

                          Because, Boy has already had these bug bite like marks twice now and the cause is not certain then if they occur again I will require that Boy see a doctor while the marks are still visible and get a note before, returning coming to day care. The doctors note must indicate what the doctor thinks they are i.e. a rash or bug bite ect. or if you have anything regarding this issue to tell me about.

                          Also because, this is a time sensitive issue I need you to call me not E-mail me if the marks return or if you have anything regarding this issue to tell me about. I would like to put an end to these marks just as much as you do as we are both concerned for the safety, health and well being of Boy.

                          Thank you

