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When A Parent Loses Their Job How Long Do You Hold Their Spot?

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  • When A Parent Loses Their Job How Long Do You Hold Their Spot?

    I have a parent of a little one that lost their job today, money is really tight for her so I don't think she will be paying for care while she looks for a new one. How long without payment would you hold his spot? How do you talk to parents about this without being blunt and putting them off.

  • #2
    I require a one months notice and only receive notice on a Friday.

    I would just hold the spot during the one month.

    I would counsel the parent that they needed to supply the one month notice and to let me know if their situation changed and they wanted to recind the notice.


    • #3
      It sounds callous, but I won't hold a spot without being paid for it.
      I explain to parents that as much as I would like to be able to hold the spot open for them, I can't afford to do that for them for financial reasons. I have bills that need to be paid and I can't do that if I'm not being paid. I offer to take them back as long as I have an opening available.

      I do waive my 2 week notice requirement, though, if they lost their job unexpectedly and they can't afford to pay me for that time.


      • #4
        I don't really hold spots for anyone w/o a large deposit.

        That said, I do not typically fill all my spots in my daycare, on purpose. So if I fill the child's spot, I usually still have an open slot to fill if they need daycare again. That, and new siblings are the only times I fill all my daycare openings. I don't hold new baby spots either, but I will take them on if I haven't fill all my daycare openings.

        Rarely does it happen that I have an unemployed parent become employed AND a new sibling coming into care after I filled their spots with a new client. Once it did, and they rearranged care schedules temporarily until I had a 5yo go to Kindie (it was only a few months).


        • #5
          I wont. I let people drop to part time, it I do try to fill the space. It seems harsh, but their problems are not my problems. My family shouldn't suffer BC someone else lost their job.


          • #6
            I don't normally hold spots for anyone either but this last spring one of my dcd's lost his job. The parents asked if their DD, (who was normally a 5 day a week child) could come for 2 days per week until he found another job. They paid 50% of their normal rate for those 2 days per week. The dcd ended up finding another job after about 6 weeks and the child returned to care full time.

            I allowed that arrangement with the understanding that if I had someone interested in the space, I would give them first opportunity to return full time but if they didn't want to, then I would fill the space. I don't advertise and all my clients in the last 5 years or so have been mostly from word of mouth.

            The only reason I allowed it was because I had the family for almost 6 years. I also knew that the dad was actively looking for a new job and it wasn't just a ploy to get cheaper daycare. This family ALWAYS gave bonuses at holiday time, Never disrespected any of my policies and never once missed a payment so I figured I could be at least that flexible. This family was also great about referring families to me. They have referred 3 families to me since they started and all 3 have signed on and have been great families as well.

            I guess I would handle each situation individually. Most of the time I am pretty strict and unwaivering about my policies but sometimes in this business, you have to remember that to be successful, part of it is building AND maintaining partnerships and relationships. I may run like a business 95% of the time but I try to remember those who have helped me build a good reputation.

