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It Happened - 2nd Family Gave Notice

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  • It Happened - 2nd Family Gave Notice

    For those that have been following my drama in the vent thread the 2nd family has given notice. Their excuse is my outrageous late fees when the dad has picked up. I also call the mom to let her know (that is what she wanted) but is now complaining about me calling her instead of him. I think they were looking for a reason since the other family gave notice. I knew it was coming just was a matter of time. DCD was 45 minutes late picking up last week (2nd time in a weeks time) I charged them $5 for each 15 min like I state in my policy. He had been doing really well until just recently but it is all the what we went over at our parent interview a year ago.
    Last edited by Michael; 03-08-2010, 03:05 PM. Reason: Spelling

  • #2
    Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
    For those that have been following my drama in the vent thread the 2nd family has given notice. Their excuse is my outrageous late fees when the dad has picked up. I also call the mom to let her know (that is what she wanted) but is now complaining about me calling her instead of him. I think they were looking for a reason since the other family gave notice. I knew it was coming just was a matter of time. DCD was 45 minutes late picking up last week (2nd time in a weeks time) I charged them $5 for each 15 min like I state in my policy. He had been doing really well until just recently but it is all the what we went over at our parent interview a year ago.
    I'm so sorry to hear this!!! But try to look on the bright side, you do have a waiting list, correct? Anyway, sort of funny that their reason is that you have "outrageous late fees". . . well duh people if you'd do your part & honor your contract you would never have had to pay any late fees. I don't get the logic, are they really going to find someone else who doesn't charge them for persistent lateness?


    • #3
      I hope their next provider is a policy dictator and as strict as they come . Serves them right. The thing is that people always want to blame everyone else for their action these days, why is it that people don't know what accountability is anymore . It's always somebody's fault but it can't be me . May your next dcc be the sweetest angel and may his parents be amazing.


      • #4
        Sorry to hear that, hopefully you'll find someone quick to fill the spot. I just don't understand why people sign a contract and think they don't have to follow it, I have one of these clients as well, it's very frustrating. Good luck!


        • #5
          I have the same thing happen, just started putting my foot down, and lost 2 families as well, as a result of it. One went to one SAHM that didn't have a contract, and the other one, was just a freak on everything!!! So sorry to hear about it!!


          • #6
            Now that I lost 2 families at the same time it makes me look bad, like I am doing something wrong.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
              Now that I lost 2 families at the same time it makes me look bad, like I am doing something wrong.

              When things like this happen, I do my best not to let it get me down. I try to concentrate on what God has given me to do, and leave the rest to Him. I usually do this by diving right back into working with the remaining children wholeheartedly. Maybe plan some extra activities for them or take advantage of things you couldn't do with the larger group and take a field trip or a nature walk. Lots of snuggling and reading usually really helps the most and is easier with the lower numbers.

