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When You Term A Client..

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  • When You Term A Client..

    do you warn other people about them?

    You've all read about the mom that was just turned in for constantly medicating her infant. When I told DCP's a month ago that we would be going on vacation, I gave them my best friend's MIL's number who is just starting up and had openings for that week. I have that provider a heads up yesterday about what was going on, as she had scheduled to watch termed mother's child plus 2 other of my DCKs. She said she was thankful that I let her know. I told her that this mom will probably expect her to watch him full time because she has no one else in town. DCP said that she is willing to give her a 2 week trial.

    I'm scared for her. I know how scared I was knowing that something could happen to his little body while on my time, and that is why I termed immediately. I told her that, but she is still willing to try him. I know it's a money thing. She just told me that she needs a full timer to pay the bills.

    Another thing...since there are 2 of my other FT'ers going to this provider next week, do I give them a warning that termed DC mom may bad-mouth me to them? I'm sure by then CPS will have contacted her..and I know she's going to be pissed.

  • #2
    Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
    do you warn other people about them?

    You've all read about the mom that was just turned in for constantly medicating her infant. When I told DCP's a month ago that we would be going on vacation, I gave them my best friend's MIL's number who is just starting up and had openings for that week. I have that provider a heads up yesterday about what was going on, as she had scheduled to watch termed mother's child plus 2 other of my DCKs. She said she was thankful that I let her know. I told her that this mom will probably expect her to watch him full time because she has no one else in town. DCP said that she is willing to give her a 2 week trial.

    I'm scared for her. I know how scared I was knowing that something could happen to his little body while on my time, and that is why I termed immediately. I told her that, but she is still willing to try him. I know it's a money thing. She just told me that she needs a full timer to pay the bills.

    Another thing...since there are 2 of my other FT'ers going to this provider next week, do I give them a warning that termed DC mom may bad-mouth me to them? I'm sure by then CPS will have contacted her..and I know she's going to be pissed.
    this is a tuff one. I would love to hear what other people have to suggest.
    If it were me, i would not say anything, as I would not be allowed to, but if the parents came back ans asked questions, I would be sure to answer them to the best of my ability.


    • #3
      Most states have privacy rules written into their daycare regs, so you may want to review yours to see if that will give you any guidance.

      I would also check into what constitutes slander, and how your situation fits into it. Since the allegations against her have not been proven true at this point, it may very well be slander if you talk about it in anything but the most general terms.


      • #4
        When I sign on parents, I tell them about my own privacy policy. I will not disclose any information about any child in my care other than their first name and age. I will not disclose parents names, address, phone numbers, emails, etc.

        I wouldn't provide any information to any of your current families regarding this situation. It's really a "need to know" basis and this is something that they don't need to know.


        • #5
          You need to be careful what you say.

          The only thing you should tell the other parents is that child is no longer in your care. Do not discuss specifics with anybody.

