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Early Wakers From Nap

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  • Early Wakers From Nap

    What do you do with these kids?? The ones who never sleep the whole time and then wake everyone else up? I am really trying to avoid separating kids and using my bedrooms anymore. I am trying to get everyone to nap in the same room. Today, for instance, I stayed up here until everyone was asleep
    (2 in pnps and 2 on mats) they fell asleep in 10 minutes. After an hour one of the ones in a pnp woke up and started whining and crying, then the other little one woke up. I came up here and have been shushing them and not letting them stand up at all for the past hour but nobody went back to sleep and I am dreading my afternoon..the 12 month old has only slept an hour all day long..I have white noise on and they are all separated as far away as I can get them. What else can I do? I really want them to all sleep in the same room.

  • #2
    Can you do all the good nappers together and just separate the one?


    • #3
      That was my first thought. I have one who has always (since the first day I had her at 9 months) been a short napper and a room waker. She's 4 now and woke the entire house on Tuesday because I happened to be in the washroom when she got up. She claimed she was looking for the two dark, closed naprooms that she isn't allowed to go near. Grrrrrrr. I have always had to seperate her. She sleeps alone on a mat close to me and far from the other children. I've tried several times to integrate her over the years but she always wakes everyone up in both nap rooms.


      • #4
        I have this very same issue. The good sleepers sleep in my ds room and unfortunately my two awful nappers sleep in my bedroom. Its awful because the pnps take up our whole bedroom. My daycare is eating my house.

        Anyone have any more tips for sleeping them all together?
        I was thinking about having the infants sleep in pnps in the living room with me and all the other ones sleep in ds room. If they wake up, they still have to lay down in their pnp and wait until nap time is over. They are all 3 and under and need their naps.


        • #5
          I'm really trying to keep kids out of my bedrooms. My own 10 month old DD sleeps in her room so if I put the bad sleeper in one of the other bedrooms, she ends up getting woken up. For a while I had actually considered moving dd up to the playroom with the other good sleepers and putting the other one down there by herself but that would totally not be fair to my DD..I think I need to get blackout curtains maybe and then just leave them. If they wake up and wake everyone else up, oh well. It's so hard for me to do though


          • #6
            i know, it is really hard. do NOT move your daughter though. i have a rule to never ever sacrifice my kids rooms and routines for the sake of the daycare. my kids ALWAYS come first. if the rest don't get a nap, oh well. i stay home to make sure my kids get a nap, thats my perk for being a home daycare provider. i have used my own bedroom for napping though, when necessary.


            • #7
              I allow two nappers to share a room if they are good nappers. The other 4 are separated. Even if all are good nappers, I am not willing to sacrifice my time if someone wakes early and wakes everyone else up! My two kids are in their rooms, a daycare child is in my room, a daycare child is in my office, and one or two sleep on nap mats in living room. This leaves me my tv room, kitchen, and finished basement to be in.


              • #8
                5 of them are sleeping up in the playroom right now. They fell asleep within 15minutes with me up there and have now been sleeping for an hour and 15 minutes I just moved them around a little bit. Put the problem ones on the outside walls, as far away from each other as possible and put the 3 good ones in the middle. I also cranked my usual naptime CD up a little louder than usual. My dd gets her peace and quiet and I get my relaxation time while still being able to see/hear them on the monitor. I'm not deluding myself that it will be like this everyday but it's pretty nice for today, the friday before the long weekend

