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  • Diarrhea

    Do you send kids with diarrhea home?

  • #2
    Yes if it's the actual watery stuff and not just loose stools.


    • #3
      My policy is two or more watery bowel movements while they are in my care I send them home, and if there are more when they are at home, they have to be 24 hour symptom free before they can return.

      Some of the children I have cared for have watery bowel movements while they are teething, so I just use my judgement whether or not it is illness/flu related or something else.


      • #4
        He is 5 years old and he also told his mom that his stomach hurts, she then told me that he did have a litlle diarrhea at home but then blamed it on last nights supper!


        • #5
          Wow! I just came on here to ask about this. The little boy I watch (he's almost 2) has had 2 very loose watery stools. Other than that he seems fine other than a bit fussy. I'm debating whether to call mom or not. I do have in my sick policy that unexplained diarehha (such as you are on antibitics so it can be expected) is not permitted but now that it is happening I am not sure what to do. I guess I'll wait & see what happens. If he has another one soon I think I will call.


          • #6
            Originally posted by janarae View Post
            Wow! I just came on here to ask about this. The little boy I watch (he's almost 2) has had 2 very loose watery stools. Other than that he seems fine other than a bit fussy. I'm debating whether to call mom or not. I do have in my sick policy that unexplained diarehha (such as you are on antibitics so it can be expected) is not permitted but now that it is happening I am not sure what to do. I guess I'll wait & see what happens. If he has another one soon I think I will call.
            I think if he has another one I would send him home. Wait until you feed him snack or lunch. If it's an illness that would do it for sure.


            • #7
              My policy is 3 watery stools within a 24 hour period.
              If I know for certain that the child is not teething etc I wait for the second watery stool before calling the parent. I don't initially call at this time to have the child picked up, just to notify the parent that the child may need to be picked up if it happens again a third time. If the child is fussy however and difficult and it's obvious that something is wrong then I do ask the child to be picked up immediately.
              If the child is acting normal then I wait for the third time to call again and ask the child to be picked up.


              • #8
                I just made a call, parent for 3 in an hour & half.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
                  I just made a call, parent for 3 in an hour & half.
                  How do your parents react about picking up a sick child? Were they understanding? I've never had to call although one time I had to call b/c one of my little guys had a slight fever (100.3) & it was close to my limit (100.5) so I called to ask if I could give Tylenol. Parent didn't even seem concerned about the fever. Now if the fever came back after the Tylenol weared off I was going to call to have him picked up but I got the impression that it "was not important enough" from the parent despite my illness policy.


                  • #10
                    Normally my parents are pretty good. This was the DCB that is leaving this week & was being picked up early. His mom usualy trys to tell me that its teething (or some kind of an excuse) Dad picked up & said that it must have been something they ate cuz he had it last nite.


                    • #11
                      I do the same as JennyBoo, that's our state policy. I do have one little girl who has constipation issues so they give her something for it and it can cause her to have watery diarrhea a couple + times per day, but I know that about her so I dont' call


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
                        Normally my parents are pretty good. This was the DCB that is leaving this week & was being picked up early. His mom usualy trys to tell me that its teething (or some kind of an excuse) Dad picked up & said that it must have been something they ate cuz he had it last nite.
                        Isn't that so funny, some parents always trying to come up with their best excuse on everything!! I hate that!!! I don't have so much of this, but I know a good friend of mine does!!!

