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Can't Believe She Did That!!!

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  • Can't Believe She Did That!!!

    Okay, so I posted one other time talking about all of the ridiculous things that go on at the daycare I work at.
    Well my boss topped it all the other day. It was picture day...anyone who does picture day already knows it's a stressfull day anyway. Anyway, she decided she wanted to do a staff picture at 8:45 in the morning.
    We were all sitting around trying to figure out how she was going to pull that off since pretty much all of the kids were there by then.

    Well here's what she did...
    She had her mom come in and watch the 6 babies that we had while we went to another room to have our picture taken. ALL of the other kids in the center (ages 14 month-5 years old) were left in their rooms BY THEMSELVES!
    We were probably gone for 10 minutes!

    What if something would have happened!?!? What if a parent walked in to drop off a kid and saw there were no teachers. I've been so mad since Thursday. Some people should not be allowed to operate daycares!

  • #2
    WOW, is all I can say about this. That is unbelievable especially in a licensed childcare facility. That is not right at all, the children can never be left alone at any time - no wonder you are upset. I always hated picture day - so stressful, but you make it work with what you have - and this stunt should have been addressed because the daycare could loose their license.

    I agree that this person should not be operating a daycare - is there any other staff members that feel the same? Is there anyone higher up that you can talk to and let them know this heppened?

    My personal opinion is that this cannot be let go, I cannot imagine what other things this person is doing that no one knows about.

    I am glad I don't work there. Hope things work out for you!



    • #3
      OMG! How many kids were there? That is so not right!

      Where were the other care givers? I can understand one at a time taking the kids to do the photos.

      Where were you during this time?


      • #4
        What I can't believe is that she would be willing to risk the safety of those children let alone her license. So much can happen in that time. Why not schedule the staff 30 minutes early for the staff photo? You should also think about how if something might have happened you and the other staff members could have also been held accountable. It shows a complete disregard to the kids and you (the staff).


        • #5
          You're a mandated reporter. Report it to licensing.


          • #6
            I totally agree with you!!


            • #7
              Yeah...I've been there for 6 months or so and I have never worked in a more rediculous place.
              Here's the do I go about reporting? I obviously have to tell them that I'm a staff member right? There are about 9 of on staff and I kind of think my boss might figure out it was me.
              I hate the job, but LOVE my little munchkins and feel bad leaving them. I've actually had a dad tell me they would bring their little guy to me if I opened a home daycare. I'd like to, but our house is really small and I don't know if it's worth going though licensing.
              I live in a small town with only 2 daycares. The other one isn't hiring right now, but I think I might put an application in anyway.

              It just makes me SO mad. Something so bad could have happened and she didn't care at all. She just wanted a staff picture.

              I agree with whoever said that she should have had us do it before or after work. No joke! I've never worked somewhere like this before.

              And also...there is no higher up. She's the owner and director.
              I could probably write a 2 page list of everything wrong that she does.


              • #8
                Originally posted by hawkfan428 View Post
                Yeah...I've been there for 6 months or so and I have never worked in a more rediculous place.
                Here's the do I go about reporting? I obviously have to tell them that I'm a staff member right? There are about 9 of on staff and I kind of think my boss might figure out it was me.
                I hate the job, but LOVE my little munchkins and feel bad leaving them. I've actually had a dad tell me they would bring their little guy to me if I opened a home daycare. I'd like to, but our house is really small and I don't know if it's worth going though licensing.
                I live in a small town with only 2 daycares. The other one isn't hiring right now, but I think I might put an application in anyway.

                It just makes me SO mad. Something so bad could have happened and she didn't care at all. She just wanted a staff picture.

                I agree with whoever said that she should have had us do it before or after work. No joke! I've never worked somewhere like this before.

                And also...there is no higher up. She's the owner and director.
                I could probably write a 2 page list of everything wrong that she does.
                I didn't realize in your first post that it was for the staff photo. I thought you meant just the kids photos. The place I worked never done a staff only photo.

                I know what you mean about being worried about being fired. When I worked in a center I worked for a women like your boss. She shouldn't have been in a child care center. She basically had the job as director because of her college degree, which was not in child development.

                We all worried about turning her in because we could be fired. I don't think that you would have to say that you are staff there.

                Do you know who the person is who comes in to do your state checks? We knew ours, 'Bob' and he even made sure that his contact info was hanging in the building where parents could see it to contact him if needed. He had an email address.

                I'm sure you can find the info you need online on your site. That's where I'd find mine. I'd either call or email. You could use a different email address, make one from yahoo just for that.

                And I know that other daycare you have in town will be hiring at some point, I'm sure you know from the time you worked at the one your at, turn over is high at daycares. Plus summer is coming up and if anything they might be looking for extra summer help.


                • #9
                  There's several ways you could go about it. If someone has left there (got fired or quit) you can call licensing and say that you used to work there but choose to stay anonymous. You could also just call and get the licensors email if it isn't posted and not say your name and do like it says above and make up an email and report it that way.

                  In any case if she finds out it was you she can't fire you for doing your job. That would open her up for a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Then again she could also face hefty fines and even closure or revocation of her license if there are serious things going on wrong there.


                  • #10
                    Can anyone help me find an e-mail address. I keep looking on the DSFS website, but I must be blind. Any help would be appreciated.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hawkfan428 View Post
                      Can anyone help me find an e-mail address. I keep looking on the DSFS website, but I must be blind. Any help would be appreciated.
                      What County and State do you live in?


                      • #12
                        Well, if there are only two centers in your area, and there is a need for QUALITY child care, why don't you open a family chlidcare program? It's worth considering!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                          What County and State do you live in?
                          Christian County, Illinois


                          • #14

                            I'd start by calling the daycare info line, and ask them what they suggest.


                            • #15
                              Just wanted to let you all know I sent a letter to DCFS annonymously today. Crossing my fingers something comes of it.

