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For Those That Host A Parent's Night Out

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  • For Those That Host A Parent's Night Out

    I'm thinking of doing this 1 night a month and was wondering a few things:

    What do you charge?

    Do you have them sign some sort of agreement?

    How many hours of care do you provide?

    What types of activities do you do?

    Any other information you could provide would be great. Thanks!

  • #2
    Don't ask why, but I offer it for free for every child in their family. I do it one friday every month

    I dont have them sign anything other than to sign up for the PNO

    My requirments are that the parents have made on time payments, cannot have any outstanding fees of any kind.

    Also the child cannot have any major behavioral issues for that month prior.

    So lets say september for example little johnny has an on going issue and I have to bring it up to mom and dad. Mom and dad don't do anything about helping me with the issue so them little johnny pulls a red card (we pull cards for bad behavior and red is the wrost possible) Well sorry no parents night out for this family in October. Has only happened once in 8 years.

    It has really gotten the parents to take action when their kids are acting out of sorts.

    We have free play, eat a light snack, and then watch a moive and off to lala land.

    I offer it from 7pm-10:00pm. If they want later its $7.00 an hour per child. If they are late, I will make them pay the $1.00 per min late fee just like my contract. Also no PNO next month.

    So far I have only had one family show up late and it was because the dad go pulled over for suspected DUI/ thank god he was not drinking....


    • #3
      Mine try, but I tell them NO. Of course, I'm talking about my daughters.


      • #4
        I do this too. I do it once a month on a Saturday from 6pm to whenever.

        I charge $7 per hour with a 3 hour minimum. Or if they want to leave the child overnight, then I charge $50 for the whole night. I have one family that takes me up on this every time and sometimes just randomly if they need it for a special weekend.

        They do not sign any agreement as long as they are one of my current daycare kiddos.

        We have pizza (or some type of fun food), watch movies, play games (card games, hide & go seek, etc) We make it lots of fun.


        • #5
          Here are some theads on the toipic:


          • #6
            I provide care one Friday per month from 6pm to 10pm. Cost is $20.00 per child.

            I'm stopping offering this the end of this year. I don't usually get many takers on it. I've only had 2 families use it in the past. It's not advantageous to continue doing it if they don't utilize the offer.


            • #7
              I am trying this next weekend and putting an ad on craigslist. I find that parents want saturday night care more and i understand why. Im pooped on friday!


              • #8
                I've only been opened 3 months and had my first one last Friday. Of 16 families enrolled here, only one signed up. I don't mind though. I love their little boy! I close @ 6, so "Date Night" is from 6-11pm for $25. I offered to feed dinner, give baths, put in PJs, and get them to sleep. Lucky for me they brought their son @ 7pm, he had dinner, had his bath, and was already in his PJs! Hopefully next month I'll get more takers!


                • #9
                  I tried it just this past Saturday night. Had three families sign up and it was not a good experience. They were all three normally well behaved during reg daycare hours. However, they were all cranky and tired, didn't want to listen, didn't want to watch the movie I got (Rio), and really didn't want to lay down when the time came. Honestly in those five hours I worked harder and had more stress than I do in a normal 12 hour day with 9-12 kids. I decided I won't be doing the PNO again!


                  • #10
                    I did a PNO for years, the first Friday of the month. It was awesome. I had tons of kids that stayed...we did a pizza party, craft, and then they got to eat popcorn in front of the TV during a movie (we have a no food/drinks out of the kitchen rule and never have the TV on, so the kids all thought this was awesome). PJs and bed.

                    I required pickup by 10:30pm, it was enough time for dinner & a movie, the kids were all full-timers and stayed all day to 10:30pm. It was a seemless transition to the evening. I charged $25/kid, $35/family for the evening.

                    Then, the state changed their rules, and no child can be in daycare more than 12 hours in a 24hr period (unless parents work schedules require a longer shift).

                    So, I had to switch it to a Saturday night, and it was terribly inconvenient, for me, the kids, and the parents. It was nice jsut to transition to the evening with the kids already here, and everyone excited for the pizza and movie. No drop off drama, no acting up b/c they want to go with mom & dad to whatever fun they have planned.

                    I completely dropped the PNO b/c it became a huge PIA, and no fun for me or the kids.


                    • #11
                      I tried it several times with no takers from daycare parents or a CL ad.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by NiNi.R. View Post
                        I'm thinking of doing this 1 night a month and was wondering a few things:

                        What do you charge?

                        Do you have them sign some sort of agreement?

                        How many hours of care do you provide?
                        Until midnight. Kids regularly at daycare Friday afternoons are welcome to stay through. Others are able to be dropped-off 6pm (my closing time) or later
                        What types of activities do you do?
                        Mostly free play, dinner and then a movie. During the holidays, I offer a holiday craft project that can be a gift for mom & dad if the child chooses to participate.
                        Any other information you could provide would be great. Thanks!
                        I had been offering a PNO every Friday night - the extra income was great and my dh works 3rd shift on Fridays, so it didn't inconvenience my family. But over the last couple of months, interest has faded, so this month I'm only offering 2 (this week and next).

                        Just a tip - have your clients pay for the evening when they reserve the spot. I had too many dcps tell me they would be sending their kids - I'd turn others away - and then they'd decline. So now, they pay when they reserve their spot, and if they cancel - they only get their money back if I get another family that wants the spot.


                        • #13
                          I just had my first PNO. It was a Saturday night the kids came at 6pm and stayed with me until 8am Sunday morning. I charged 20.00 per child. I had a highschool girl come over until 9pm. I paid her 10.00 per hour to help out. We walked the children to the park by the time we got back it was dinner time about 7:30. After dinner it was free play and I was able to have all the kids in pj's and on cots by 9:00 put the movie on-The Brave Little Toaster and the kids were asleep by 10:30. Of course they were up and ready to go by 6:30! I changed them fed them breakfast and it was time for them to go home. The parents really enjoyed themselves. I chose to do an overnite because some of my parents do not have family around here or someone they trust! They are anticipating my next night out. The kids had so much fun as well. Hope this helps.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by karen View Post
                            I just had my first PNO. It was a Saturday night the kids came at 6pm and stayed with me until 8am Sunday morning. I charged 20.00 per child. I had a highschool girl come over until 9pm. I paid her 10.00 per hour to help out. We walked the children to the park by the time we got back it was dinner time about 7:30. After dinner it was free play and I was able to have all the kids in pj's and on cots by 9:00 put the movie on-The Brave Little Toaster and the kids were asleep by 10:30. Of course they were up and ready to go by 6:30! I changed them fed them breakfast and it was time for them to go home. The parents really enjoyed themselves. I chose to do an overnite because some of my parents do not have family around here or someone they trust! They are anticipating my next night out. The kids had so much fun as well. Hope this helps.
                            Lol...the on going joke about my parents night out is taht I offer it for free so taht the parents can make me new clients.....

                            I have had 3 parents that tease me about it. they concieved around the same time I started doing parents night out...too funny


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycare View Post
                              Lol...the on going joke about my parents night out is taht I offer it for free so taht the parents can make me new clients.....

                              I have had 3 parents that tease me about it. they concieved around the same time I started doing parents night out...too funny

                              LOL Thats funny! Maybe I should try that!

