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  • #2
    MN is currently in the process of deciding whether or not to unionize.


    • #3
      I had some guy knock on my door here (in California) trying to get me to sign up for this union thing. I'm not interested. I was a little bothered that the guy said he got all the daycare's addresses from the Licensing office. I guess its public information according to the Union guy. That creeped me out. I'm not interested in this at all though.


      • #4
        I used to want to......

        Then heard the horror stories here and decided....."Eh, I had the power all along." and got a backbone instead.
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          Oh don't get me started on unions! I know they were started for a good reason, and for some businesses they really do work well without going overboard.

          BUT, my own personal experiences with them has been they go WAY overboard "to protect the people". My husband is management for a large company with a union. The East Coast Union recently went on strike. These people who went on strike have a higher salary than my husband as a manager and they still wanted more. And they get much better benefits. He had to work 12 hour days with every 14th day off until the union workers decided to go back to work. Not only that, but a lot of managers got spit at, had food thrown on them, and actually got mobbed and beaten by some of the union workers while they were trying to enter the building. One union worker actually put his own daughter in front of a contractor's vehicle to keep him from doing the job they were supposed to be doing. RIDICULOUS.


          • #6
            No way!

            My state just unionized a little over a year ago. At first everyone paid dues. Regardless if you signed a card or not. After the 1st of this year they have not deducted fair share dues if you haven't signed a card. I have yet to see them help anyone. We have taken a 25% cut in subsidized pay since the union. I am not blaming the union, I know child care is one of the first cuts the state makes when figuring the budget. I am just saying I thought a union is a "voice", a representation of the individuals paying their dues.


            • #7
              I am totally against this whole unionizing childcare providers and can see no benefit to it. I told the guy that came to my home wanting me to support it that I was not interested and would definitely oppose it. I think unions have been a positive influence in some professions, but can see no merit to them in childcare.


              • #8
                I am not convinced that a union would be beneficial to me. So NO


                • #9
                  Union member


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                    Union member
                    Why do you feel that the union is beneficial to you?

                    I personally have no union experience.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                      Union member
                      OOOhhh. Tell me more. I'm in Illinois and didn't even know there was a union here until I took my first CCAP child. They deduct "non member" dues from my payment . I would love to know if there is any benefit to joining, but unfortunately I just can't find any information anywhere. Neither the union office nor my CCRRN have returned my calls about it.

