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Childcare Counsel/CPS Help

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  • Childcare Counsel/CPS Help

    Hi I need advise on this. Someone called the childcare people on me for having 8-10 children {im not resister} but I dont. That is not my complsint. I have nothing to hide. well this same lady came a year ago and right after cps showed a day later. I knew it was childcare lady. Well two days ago same lady shows and I rufuse to let her in and called her out on it. She left and next day again cps is at my door. allegation is that im unstable. . The cps worker was very kind and seen nothing wrong with me. Is there away I can get an order of protection to have them not cps the childcare people stay away from me???? I just think its now harrassment and im so sick of it. what can I do as a person in the comuinity to have a say against people who take advantage of their position???? I called the childcare counsil last night and said if they show up again I will call the cops, but will the cops be on my side:{ thanks .

  • #2
    Why is this woman coming to your house?

    Was she a former client?
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      I don't think there is anything you can do about it because you don't know FOR SURE that this lady called on you and I doubt cps will say who called.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        I don't think there is anything you can do about it because you don't know FOR SURE that this lady called on you and I doubt cps will say who called.
        nope I know for sure!!!


        • #5
          If you have nothing to hide, then I would just let them in and check everything out. I'm not sure if CPS is like Licensing - but if you dont let Licensing in your home (in California) and they believe there are children in your home at the time, they will call the police themselves. If I were you I would try to clear up the situation with CPS and then they will most likely leave you alone.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
            If you have nothing to hide, then I would just let them in and check everything out. I'm not sure if CPS is like Licensing - but if you dont let Licensing in your home (in California) and they believe there are children in your home at the time, they will call the police themselves. If I were you I would try to clear up the situation with CPS and then they will most likely leave you alone.
            CPS has giggled at all the allegations. I of course let cps in. cps is wonderful to me because they see that im a great mommy but its the childcare people women who calls cps because I wouldnt let them in. . That is really unstable of her. The allegations are fauls so All I want to know is there something I can do. Oh and no they cant call cops to enter my home with out properable . They have nothing on me. I watch the amount of kids that im allowed.


            • #7
              I've never dealt with CPS, so I dont know how to deal with all that. :confused:


              • #8
                What authority does the child care counsel have?

                What state are you in?


                • #9
                  Its just weird. so if you dont let her in, CPS shouldnt even bother with it because how can she say anything if she didnt even see you or the kids. I would be about 5 pounds because I wouldnt be able to eat for being so stressed with all that!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chellenj View Post
                    Its just weird. so if you dont let her in, CPS shouldnt even bother with it because how can she say anything if she didnt even see you or the kids. I would be about 5 pounds because I wouldnt be able to eat for being so stressed with all that!!!!
                    thank you thats how I feel:{ Well I only answered the door. I stated to her that I only have three children in my home and your not welcome to come in after the last time you called cps on me and she said thats fine and left. I live in NY state if that helps.


                    • #11
                      Melissa, are you required to be licensed? WHY does this woman insist that you have to let her in? My understanding is that she is from the Child Care Council, is that correct? If so, what authority does she have? I have never heard of the CC Council having any authority. It's wierd that she would insist on being allowed in!


                      • #12
                        In some parts of NYS the Child Care Councils are the licensors/registrars for day care. In NYS you can only have 2 children without being licensed.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
                          If you have nothing to hide, then I would just let them in and check everything out. I'm not sure if CPS is like Licensing - but if you dont let Licensing in your home (in California) and they believe there are children in your home at the time, they will call the police themselves. If I were you I would try to clear up the situation with CPS and then they will most likely leave you alone.
                          AND, they will call the police while they are standing there. GF refused to answer the door because she thought it was Jehova's Witnesses at the door. She was quite shocked to hear the police banging at her door.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            In some parts of NYS the Child Care Councils are the licensors/registrars for day care. In NYS you can only have 2 children without being licensed.
                            Okay...this might explain it. If this is the case, then it is similiar to here in Cali that you are required to allow them in if they show ID. If you don't then they have the obligation to report it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              In some parts of NYS the Child Care Councils are the licensors/registrars for day care. In NYS you can only have 2 children without being licensed.
                              That is true unless they are related to you then you can have 8.

