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Is This Normal For A 3 Yr Old?

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  • Is This Normal For A 3 Yr Old?

    I take care of a 3 year old who is very smart in a lot of areas. She's known her colors and numbers since age 2 and plays really well.

    However I'm curious about a few things that I feel are "odd" so I'd love some feedbackp. I can understand her most of the time when she's talking but she mixes up her pronouns all the time and makes a lot of nouns plural. For example instead of saying "hello" she'll say "hello's". I can understand her fairly well but my husband can't understand hardly anything she says. How well should she be talking at this age? She also shows absolutely no empathy when people get hurt, even if it's her own sister. She has a hard time answering questions I ask and her answers have nothing to do with the question. She just seems confused 90% of the time.

    Another problem I'm having is her inability to find things. Today we played a "find the acorn" game where I hid acorns throughout the play space and had the kids fine them. My 2 year old found all of them and the 3 yr old just kind of wandered around but not really looking for them. When I spoke to her about trying to find the acorns she got very upset and started crying uncontrollably!! This is not the first time it's happened. Whenever she can't find something and I ask her to look around for it the same thing happens each time.

    Another example is if another child takes a toy away and she tells me about it I encourage her to tell the child to give her the toy back. It's like she can't do it unless I tell her EXACTLY what to say and make her repeat it! When I get her to talk to the child using her own words she erupts into hysterical crying.

    I know that at home she's not getting enough sleep and her "crying fits" get her whatever she wants. The kids rule the roost at home. I don't know if this is even something I should be concerned about or if it's normal behavior.

    Any advice on this? Thanks

  • #2
    I have a dcb 3.5. He is hard to understand, rambles, mumbles, sounds like his toungue is twisted, constantly talking baby talk. Whines like a baby if something isn't going his way. His parents baby him to death. He knows his letters, numbers colors and can draw circles and lines. I think it is normal, I don't know if it is just the way he is or if his parents talking baby talk and not discipling him have anything to do with it. Its a little difficult to deal with and my own boy will never act like that. But all in all I think its nothing to worry about

