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Parenting Magazine: Early Years & School Years

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  • Parenting Magazine: Early Years & School Years

    Does anybody here get these magazines? Whether you do or not I just wanted to share my experience ... beware. (sorry, long)

    About two years ago I got a "special" for a subscription for the Early Years edition (0-5 years) for 2 years. Sometime later I got an offer for the same price and time for their School Years edition which came with a free bag and some goodies. I sent them a check and forgot all about it. About a year into my Early Years edition I get a renewal notice which was wierd because I still had almost a full year to go, then I remembered that I never got the School Years edition so I called.

    Big mess . They couldn't even find my information for the Early Years subscription and told me they would call me back. They didn't so I called them back the next day and asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor found me in their system under the Early Years subscription but didn't see anything at all for the school years and told me that they never received my payment and that it must have been lost in the mail. He also reinstated my original subscription that I was owed. I checked my bank statements and couldn't find the check that I had written so I figured that it did in fact get lost in the mail since it was never deposited. I continued to get Parenting Early Years magazines until my subscription expired and I didn't want to renew because of the issues from before. The last magazine I received was about 3 or 4 months ago.

    On Friday I got a Parenting School Years magazine with an invoice saying that my account was past due and that I owed money :confused:. I called this morning and spoke to a woman named Laverne and, I'm sorry ladies so excuse my french, but she was a total "B" . Initially I called just so they could correct the issue and when I tried to explain the situation she cut me of at EVERY sentence and spoke to me in a VERY rude tone. She would then try to tell ME what she thought happened and then I would have to say "No, what happened was ..." and then she would cut me off again. After about 10 minutes of this and of asking her to let me explain the situation I finally snapped and actually told her to be quiet and let me talk (not my proudest moment ladies). Anyway I finally got to tell her and then she starts with "Well, I'm not issuing a refund so let's get that out of your head." and I was like "What? Who said anything about a refund?!" :confused:. "I just told you that the check wasn't even cashed. I never asked you for a refund!". Ugh, it was horrible. I finally got her to understand that all I wanted was to stop getting past due notices.

    So ... I just wanted to share my experience in case any of you ladies subscribe to this magazine. Keep track of your subscriptions and make sure that you get the actual number of magazines before you send another payment, you don't want to get shorted.

  • #2
    Yikes! I'd write to the supervisor and let him know what happened.

    Customer Service really seems to be going down hill.

    Thanks for the warning.


    • #3
      Originally posted by WImom View Post
      Yikes! I'd write to the supervisor and let him know what happened.

      Customer Service really seems to be going down hill.

      Thanks for the warning.
      That's because it is cheaper to have Customer Service in Bangladesh these days

