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When You Have That Dreaded 'Nap Disturber'...

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  • When You Have That Dreaded 'Nap Disturber'...

    Do you approach the parents? It's hard because what are they going to do about it, right? It's just killing me. I have some that sleep only occasionally. My group is 2-4. The past week my youngest 2 has fought a nap every single day. When I say fought, I mean she shook herself back awake on several occasions.

    Today, my other 5 kids are sound asleep. The first 45 minutes were torture. She wouldn't stop talking and stay on her cot. The poor other kids had issues falling alseep and now I just pray they stay asleep.

    She used to go right to sleep. Then, I had to rub her back for a few minutes. Now nothing works. Any ideas?? FYI-She just turned 2 in July and she's definitely cranky after the no nap, so she needs it!

  • #2
    sleep sack and crib or playpen! If she is verbal, she gets a warning first. Have a bed ready in another room, and if she won't stay on her mat like a big girl, she goes in the crib.

    btw, backwards works best for children who can open zippers.

    Ummm. and you are not restraining the are keeping them snuggly warm! :0


    • #3
      I would put her in a crib or pack n play and if a separate room if possible.


      • #4
        I have all the kids in diff. rooms. All are about 2 or 2 1/2. 4 boys all together..the youngest who is 2 is in a pnp and he is now just getting to the point of trying to climb out of the pnp. He is a very careful child so he won't ashually climb out only try and put his feet up. As soon as that happens though of ashually climbing out.. he will transition into a bed or nap mat. I would try having her sleep by her self. Otherwise if she needs to nap by the other kids I would try rubbing everyone's back and soft music with lights out. Try and make the room really dark to...that really helps.


        • #5
          I had a girl like this who wouldn't sleep. She was 2.5. I put her in the pnp and it actually worked better for her. There was less stimulation and she quickly went to sleep (in the same room with my other pnp kids even!) I gave her a book and told her it was quiet time. That she didn't have to sleep, but she needed to be quiet (she always ended up falling asleep)


          • #6
            Sleep sacks are the greatest invention for pnp climbers. has them for $20 I think. Or make your own.

            I treat bad behavior at nap time just like I treat bad behavior at other times of the day. You don't behave, there is a consequence for it.


            • #7
              CRIB or another room.

              I just got a brand new 2 year old nap time crier. I soothe as much as I can, give him some toys to play with, and then let him CIO. He falls asleep shortly after because he's tired to begin with. But guess what??? The others fall asleep to the wailing and sleep like LOGS...BOOYAH!!!::

