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Then Why Am I Doing It?

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  • #16
    I agree with the poster that said you are letting them sleep too long, and that if they didn't sleep that long at your place, they may sleep earlier at night. I have never heard of a provider allowing 4-5 hours of naptime....that's CRAZY hours of sleep at daycare!

    Sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear, but that is A LOT of sleeping time. Even some of my kids WOULD sleep that long, but they are always woken up if they aren't up by three. Even if they are cranky, they still get up.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
      I agree with the poster that said you are letting them sleep too long, and that if they didn't sleep that long at your place, they may sleep earlier at night. I have never heard of a provider allowing 4-5 hours of naptime....that's CRAZY hours of sleep at daycare!

      Sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear, but that is A LOT of sleeping time. Even some of my kids WOULD sleep that long, but they are always woken up if they aren't up by three. Even if they are cranky, they still get up.
      Turst me, there are some that I can wake up and they are able to particiapte...but i have 3 kids daily who are not getting their needs met at home. Parents have admitted to me that becuase they are here all day 11+ and they want some form of time with them that they are allowing them to stay up most of the time past midnight...

      HOw do I keep them awake. Lets do the math...if they go to bed at midnight and are back at my house at 7:45 with a 10 min commute time, I am going to assume that they are being woken up at 7am, these kids ages 17 months-3-and 4 are only getting 7 hours of sleep while at home. They can barley make it through breakfast. I am lucky if they do. There are a lot of other reasons taht I cant lay them down right away, one being breakfast, but what do you reccomend that I do? Hold their eyes open for them and force them to stay awake??

      trust me when I tell you I would agree with you on normal circumstances, but there is nothing normal about a parent keeping their child up until after midnight for any reason....

      the question should be why are these parents letting thier kids stay up so late....Not why am I letting them sleep...........
      Last edited by daycare; 09-26-2011, 03:28 PM.


      • #18
        I agree that your letting the kids sleep too long. 5-6 hours, yikes! You should go by your program not what is being done at home. Unless we are talking about an infant. Under one, I usually go by the babies need for nap. Over one I try to get the child into my routine for naps. 12-3 usually ends up being a two hour, hour and half, by the time we settle down, change the diapers. I don't let a child sleep past 3. Even if you let the youngest sleep an hour in the morning and a two hour nap in the afternoon.....that is enough sleep in your care to be able to function to the end of the day. Might make for some crabby moments, but hey you have to deal with a few cranks. Once you get the kiddo's into your routine you will be golden, don't think about what goes on at home-just do what you would do for your routine at care. This will force the parents to deal with cranky tired kids that need sleep. Play hard during the waking hours. You have to do what is going to be best for the whole of the group. Change up the times that you do some things, but for a few things have routine and structure-meals and nap are scheduled here and it helps make the day go smooth. Do I have days when it all flies out the window........of course, but then we try to get right back into the routine again as soon as possible. Good Luck


        • #19
          Good luck- keep us posted on how your transition goes!


          • #20
            you answered your own question....they are letting them stay up to have some form of a time with them. How is that going to fly when school starts? It won't. You should not bend so backward for this family that your ruining the day for the rest of the group. If you want to continue your program then you need to conform the kids to what works for you-not what is going on at home. If you continue to allow the parents run your care program then you will be closed in no time, you already don't want to do your program now. Ugh! They might be better suited for a Nanny then a group care program, and then home schooled.

