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Parent home "sick" but send in their own sick kid

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  • Parent home "sick" but send in their own sick kid

    Last week I continually wiped the snot of a child, he had a cough, and just simply didn't feel good. This morning they come in and I am told that child had nasty nose and cough all weekend (REALLY?????) and that mom is home in bed because she has a head cold. OMG, keep your sick kids home, especially when you are at home too. GRR, no common sense.

  • #2
    So inconsiderate!!! Self-centered to the max. So the world stops when she is sick but her child is expected to tough it out at daycare? What is wrong with these people!


    • #3
      I would call them and tell them to come pick up there child. That is crazy. If your child is sick, and you are staying home sick, them keep the child home with you. Life is such, when I get sick I still have to care for my kids. UGH some people are just so dumb!!


      • #4
        ok, I went through this last week also. Mom was on my porch in her pj's dropping off her sick baby while she was planning on going home to sleep. Her baby has double ear infections but no fever so she said he had to stay at daycare. He is only four months old. The poor little guy was so sick and cranky all day. Out of all my families only one will keep their kids home when they are sick. I had one kid go home with a fever two weeks ago and the parents call me the next day to say the fever broke when he got home and he was fine. Amazingly the entire day care caught this little guys virus because they brought him back sick the next day. They gave him Tylonol in the morning to mask the fever and refused to pick him up in the afternoon when the med wore off. They basically called me a liar. But this is the same family who is out of personal days because they take time off to go shopping and have "me days." I think this would be fine as long as you plan to keep your kids home when they are sick.


        • #5
          Originally posted by skittles View Post
          Her baby has double ear infections but no fever so she said he had to stay at daycare. He is only four months old. The poor little guy was so sick and cranky all day.
          Yup, that's parents for you. This is the reason why in my sick policy I have added "or is to cranky and/or upset to participate in daycare". I have other children here that need my attention. If your child is sick and cranky don't bring them in. If you are home sick and your child is sick ... keep them home with you.

          On the other hand though I am a provider that doesn't mind having a child (that is not sick) here while the parent goes out and runs errand, gets their nails done, or whatever else they want to do while their child is here. My stance is if they have paid for the slot they can use it any way they want to (just what works for me). Hey, if a parent wants to take a day off and play hooky from work and chill out alone, cool with me. How many of us don't need a moment to ourselves to be away from everything? As long as they paid their dues (I expect payment in advance) and stay within their contracted hours and don't go over their limit I'm okay with it. I know that this doesn't work with everyone but I don't mind doing it ... again, as long as the child is not sick.


          • #6
            I could not imagine not being there for my child when he was sick or not feeling well. They need mommy time and hugs, not daycare providers. I would say that is sad, but honestly, it is truely discusting.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
              ...On the other hand though I am a provider that doesn't mind having a child (that is not sick) here while the parent goes out and runs errand, gets their nails done, or whatever else they want to do while their child is here. My stance is if they have paid for the slot they can use it any way they want to (just what works for me). Hey, if a parent wants to take a day off and play hooky from work and chill out alone, cool with me. How many of us don't need a moment to ourselves to be away from everything? As long as they paid their dues (I expect payment in advance) and stay within their contracted hours and don't go over their limit I'm okay with it. I know that this doesn't work with everyone but I don't mind doing it ... again, as long as the child is not sick.
              MarinaVanessa I feel the same way. As much as I would like to get off early or have the day off, it is none of my business what the parents do during their contracted hours. As long as their accounts are paid up to date and as long as they don't pick up late. Two of my moms are stay at home moms so I KNOW that they are not working when their children are at my house!

              When I worked outside the home, there were two occasions when I had my husband take my 2 kids (5 mos and 2yrs at the time) to daycare because I was too sick to give them the care and attention they needed. I was so sick that I felt they would be better taken care of at daycare than at home with me. When I am sick the ONLY thing that speeds my recovery is rest and this was the only way I could get it. It wasn't enough to have my husband stay home from work because the kids still knew I was in the house and would cry for me and call my name constantly. So, I can understand why some parents might do this once in a blue moon. My kids were not sick though. And I wanted them out of the house so I could stay just stay confined to my room and not spread my germs throughout the rest of the house. I would never have sent my kids to daycare if they were sick though.


              • #8
                I agree if you're child isn't feeling well and you're staying home I think the child should stay home with the parent. I also agree that it's none of my business what a parent does with their day, if they pay then I feel they are entitled to do whatever they want (unless their child is sick of course). I think it's sad parents use daycare so they can have fun. When my kids were younger and in daycare I felt so guilty leaving them to begin with I never ever left them if I wasn't working even if I was sick, I dealt with it because I would have felt horrible leaving them knowing I was home and they would rather be home with mommy even if I was sick.


                • #9
                  This is just insane! I am a new provider and just recently took my children out of daycare - I kept them home whenever they complained of discomfort or said they didn't feel good. I also was there as soon as I could (always within 30 minutes) to pick them up whenever she called. We did take 'personal' days just to spend time as a family and maybe just go out shopping, but I always paid her for these days and never expected her to take these days (or sick days) unpaid. These are my children we're talking about, if they're sick they need to be at home resting not trying to keep up with other kids and possibly getting others sick!
                  I think it is crazy that a parent would refuse to come pick up their child when their provider calls!! I could just never imagine saying "no - I will not come get my sick child" Some people just never cease to amaze me...


                  • #10
                    Hurray!! See this is why I love this forum. I'm glad that there are people out there that can relate to me and my profession. I am friends with a lot of providers around here and they all think that I'm crazy for not getting angry when a parent wants to take a personal day. I mean even I have done it . Even here in DC it's nice that my sister helps out PT and she'll stay and I'll go out and do the grocery shopping or DC errands even though originally that's what I hired her to do . And yes she is CPR certified, cleared a TB test and criminal check and I have registered her with licensing.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                      Yup, that's parents for you. This is the reason why in my sick policy I have added "or is to cranky and/or upset to participate in daycare". I have other children here that need my attention. If your child is sick and cranky don't bring them in. If you are home sick and your child is sick ... keep them home with you.

                      On the other hand though I am a provider that doesn't mind having a child (that is not sick) here while the parent goes out and runs errand, gets their nails done, or whatever else they want to do while their child is here. My stance is if they have paid for the slot they can use it any way they want to (just what works for me). Hey, if a parent wants to take a day off and play hooky from work and chill out alone, cool with me. How many of us don't need a moment to ourselves to be away from everything? As long as they paid their dues (I expect payment in advance) and stay within their contracted hours and don't go over their limit I'm okay with it. I know that this doesn't work with everyone but I don't mind doing it ... again, as long as the child is not sick.
                      Agreed- I don't mind watching kids while mom has an appt or runs errands as long as she's not late for pickup, or asks in advance if theres a day it would be convenient to have the kids there a little longer. As long as they pay for the time... (obviously within reason.. I have a mom who seems incapable of running errands with her kids and needs to accept/learn to cope-she had them- I have to take kids shopping or on errands with me..) But the sick kid thing- yeah that gets my goat too. I think I might add that whole too cranky/miserable to participate in daycare- I have other kids to watch " thing into mine...if you don't mind the plagiarism!

