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Anyone Do Drop In Care?

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  • Anyone Do Drop In Care?

    How do you like it? I'm thinking about advertising for drop in care along with part time. It seems in my area part time is what is needed the most. Right now I have 3, 3 days a week and 2, 1 day with Fridays off. I really like the part time. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    The only kids I have rarely taken on drop in basis would cry or cause trouble here all day. They don't have the structure or routine to understand the environment here. I do part timers though so why not advertise for another part timer if you really need to make more money? Drop ins will be so random, parents don't have the motivation to follow your rules and most will get really upset the first time you are not available or are full.


    • #3
      Good points...that is what I was looking for, thanks.


      • #4
        I have two right now that were my first kiddos and both are operating as drop ins currently because they know I have no other kiddos lined up and they use me typically 3-4 days.. occasionally less but not often. One family is great, gives me schedule for the week and the actual hours mom works he is care, pays cash. The other have been taking advantage and telling me one thing, then not letting me know or changing days or just not showing up or calling period and they have been a hassle. It has gotten better lately as I had to lay down the law with late fees and that they pay daily!! So its getting better slowly with them. I am doing it bc I have to now but am hoping to get some more dck's in here that would force them to have to pay for either a pt or ft spot for their kids. But they are functioning as full time so are used to being here and are not really drop ins so I can see what the others say about the routine and it being hard for the drop in kid and the regulars.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
          The only kids I have rarely taken on drop in basis would cry or cause trouble here all day. They don't have the structure or routine to understand the environment here. I do part timers though so why not advertise for another part timer if you really need to make more money? Drop ins will be so random, parents don't have the motivation to follow your rules and most will get really upset the first time you are not available or are full.
          Ditto this 100%


          • #6
            I have had drop ins from time to time that use the spots, when my p/t aren't here or another f/t is sick or on vacation. They are SAHMs that have an appt and need someone to watch their child for a few hours. I don't ever rely on the $ and look at it as a bonus that week!

            I have never had any negative issues with these kids or the parents. The only problem is the kids not wanting to leave and begging their mom to bring them back!


            • #7
              I have drop-ins and it works out well for me. Of they cry they get over it pretty quickly once we start getting busy and playing. The only thing I say is HAVE A CONTRACT. Oh there is so much I could get into here. As long as you have a contract that spells out the terms of drop-in care you should be fine. Require payment up front by drop-off only, otherwise you're asking for trouble.


              • #8
                I do 'drop-in' care for a few kids.

                I do not do 'drop-ins' that I don't know.

                One is a former daycare kid whos Mom is a nurse and now only works two days a month. They are random-a month in advance. Latley she has been working, working out, running errands, and going to councling A LOT and was calling me twice a week! This month I got a list askign for 12 days!! He never puts me over numbers and is sweet boy that never casuses trouble si don't mind. She is going through a rough time and like mom2many I think of it as a bonus

                Today I have the cousin of a current daycare family and he is good as gold....not like my full time mosters Hes Mom is a SHAM on a school field trip and he has actually gotten all teh rouwdy boys to play really well together today.

                I also have a yearly drop in when a DCF has a friend from out of state coem to stay for a week. They always bring the kids one day that week to play while they have a day out and I have loved watching this little girl grow is fun to see how much she has chaged each year....

                Long story short I WILL do drop in for families I 'know' but not for random a call...or like the post earlier today KNOCK ON THE crazy is that?

