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How Do You Do Naps With No Nap Room?

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  • How Do You Do Naps With No Nap Room?

    In a mixed age group with infants toddlers and preschoolers how does your naptime work? Where do you put your cribs? How do you keep it quiet enough for everyone to nap?

  • #2
    I have a lot of cots and pac n plays . I just have them all sleep in the living room where I can watch them all. We have a good nap time routine and they all are asleep in ten minutes or less... I do wear them out all morning , so that helps. Then lunch, reading, music and lights out. One time I got 8 kids all under 6 years old sleeping all at once, I was very proud of myself


    • #3
      I have the babies in cribs, one is in my daughters room and one is in my den. The other kids are on mats on my family room floor. Somehow it works. The older ones all godown at 130 and the babies are on there ownb schedules, as they get older I try to sync there naps with the older ones naps. (mostly the afternoon nap) Alot of dcs sleep everyone in the same room, it takes some work but they eventually do get used to it.


      • #4
        What kind of space do you have? I have two play rooms and I use pack in plays for those who don't nap on a nap mat right now. I set up the pack and plays in my secondary playroom each day at lunch and take them down after nap. My youngest is year and not best napper so we only have a once a day nap time. When they wake up they play in the other playroom with my Oldest son/Helper.

        I label the pack and plays with numbers same with the bedding. Each child is assigned a sleeping number and they always get the same bed and bedding. We wash the bedding on fri and pressure wash the pack and plays on the same day.

        this how it looks at nap time. Sorry I don't know how to resize


        • #5
          I have been doing it for years. In every job I have ever had it was the norm, so I never knew any different.

          We have physically active mornings, a balanced lunch, a cool down/clean up period and the same naptime routine everyday. (music, fans, tucking in, goodnight kiss, then I go about cleaning)

          Cribs are put up for sleeping only and get taken down after nap.

          Honestly, there is no easy answer, just consistency, everyday.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

