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Picking Infants Noses

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  • Picking Infants Noses

    I have seen my coworkers literally pick the infants noses. I find it unsanitary, vile and disgusting. You can just as easily and gently clean their noses with a warm wet face cloth. For times when a tissue is not going to work.

    One of them, did not even wash her hands afterwards. They have these long fake fingernails. I literally want to vomit thinking about it.

    Should I let it go or say something? It just seems unsanitary and wrong on all levels. If a Parent saw this they’d be so grossed out.

    What are your thoughts,

  • #2
    If by saying something you mean going to a higher up or thumping a rule book, I'd recommend *against* that! Most people are really embarrassed when they are called out or scolded for being "unclean" or "dirty," and you are asking to create a hostile environment for yourself if you are approaching this angrily or feeling self-righteous.

    What's obviously the best hygienic practice to one person may not be obvious to another. Everyone has room to learn and grow. Anyway. I agree this is nasty LOL the best solution is unfortunately to model best practices yourself and *teach* without being obvious about it

    1. Do it yourself, but loudly (cheerfully!) narrate the process to baby/child and make a big show of using a wipe or wearing a glove then removing properly/disposing immediately then finish up with hand sanitizer...
    2. Hand a little bottle of sanitizer or glove over to coworker if you see it happen,
    3. Confront coworkers directly but do be nice. If you have underlying resentment of them or dislike them do not do this bc it'll probably slip; also be prepared for counter accusations. You know what scratch that this option is pretty bad
    4. If none of that you have a manual or SOP? Review it for yourself. If there's nothing about nose picking, open up Microsoft Word and write an entry in the style of the manual. Email whoever writes the manual or can make additions, copy your supervisor, and ask as if you are curious or confused yourself , nothing more just the question. Do NOT name names or imply you're concerned about how nasty your coworkers are, just ask. If they also don't know, respond "Oh okay! Well I thought maybe something like this would be appropriate" and attach your suggestion. They'll probably throw it in verbatim and update your coworkers for you, no direct confrontation necessary! Be SUPER casual about it though you don't necessarily want credit for this.
    good luck OP, thanks for reminding me why I love running my own childcare and not being an employee of one! Lol

