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What Do You Think?

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  • What Do You Think?

    I am considering offering a "date night/moms night out" once a month or maybe twice. I'm thinking from 5-10 pm and charging $30 per child. I would limit the spots to 6 kids, and do some fun activity with them.

    What do you think? Bad idea/good idea? Is it worth it? Would I be asking to high of a price or is this reasonable?

  • #2
    I like the idea- I think I would try it out as a 1 night thing!
    I have done it as a fundraiser to buy more suPplies for my HDC and it went well-- I will be holding another around the Holidays. I have great parents that have great incomes so for me to ask $30 wouldn't be an issue- but it depends on the dynamics of your group


    • #3
      I have a diverse group as far as income goes, some well paid and some not... I figure the higher income families would be the ones most likely to take advantage of the option. Thanks for your input!!


      • #4
        I just started offering date nights or, "Parents Night Out" as I call them. Last month we had our first one and I offer them at no charge to the parents but it's only once a month from the hours of 6pm-10pm(none of them stayed this late

        My daycare families all thought it was a great idea! Even families that aren't in my daycare loved it...but I only offer it to my families. We did a craft project and played a game, ate some treats, changed into jammies, made popcorn and watched a movie before parents picked up. Everyone had a blast and hopefully this will bring in more prospective clients in the future!


        • #5
          I started offering this once a month earlier in the year and not during the summer months. I've had 2 takers and no 2 kids have ever been here on the same night.

          I offered it again and will until the end of the year but I thin it will come to an end because of the lack of interest.


          • #6
            Those of you that offer the parents night out, what ages do you have? I've thought of doing it, but mine are all littles, 22 mo, 18 mo, 13 mo and 5 mos. So we wouldn't be able to really do a movie, popcorn sort of thing, or the craft activity. Basically, I would just be a baby sitter. I don't mind, but would parents expect more?


            • #7
              Never done that. The kids need to be away from each other. I wouldn't offer to have them at a time when they would be doing their normal family life. Too much for them.


              • #8
                The first night I had two 2yo, 1- 22m and 1-19m so we kept the craft to something pretty simple but they all had a blast! I don't think in any way was it harming them to come over for 2 1/2 hours(that was the longest any of them were here) while mom and dad went out for dinner...I mean after all they would have gone to a different sitter should mom and dad decide to go out anyways kwim? I put a bunch of blankets and pillows on the floor and they FREAKED out...I don't know why but they had so much fun with that. Then we got our popcorn and everyone layed down on the blankets with their milk and popcorn and watched a little bit of the movie. None of them actually watched the whole movie...I think THAT would've taken a miracle!!


                • #9
                  I just sent out my first newsletter on September 1st and asked parents if they would be interested in doing this. I said I'd charge $25 from 6-11pm either on a Friday or Saturday, whichever works best for the majority. So far I've only had one parent interested, but it's a 13 month old and he's a good kid, so I'd probably do it for them. And since I have no life I wouldn't mind having only one kid.

