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Sleep Tricks

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  • Sleep Tricks

    I am utterly amazed at you ladies getting all those kiddos to sleep. Since I will be starting my daycare in less than a month (hopefully, crossing my fingers), I want to start sleep time right. What helpful hints do you all have? Where do they sleep (alone or together?) how do you get them to sleep with out pestering the kids next to each other? What kind of mats do you use? Where do you get them? And anything else that might be helpful, please!

  • #2
    I have them play outside right before lunch. They come in, eat lunch, mill around while they use the bathroom, let their food digest, clean up from lunch. I draw the blinds, put on the cd (ocean sounds are the best ) and lower the thermostat a couple degrees. I read a story...then most everybody's out like a light. My kids all sleep together in one room, but if someone starts pestering or being disruptive, I move their mat to the doorway. I limit talking, walking around, lights, all that a few minutes before nap.

    By the way, I have 3 to 5 year olds.


    • #3
      I added some tags to this thread to lead you to previous posts.

      It would take all week to give you that much info....

      Maybe some others will add more that I did not think of.

      Good luck, hun!!
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        This was a great thread about gettiong the younger ones to stay on their mats and keep their hands to themselves.

        What age do you move the child from the packnplay to the sleeping mat. I have a 16 month old and contemplating this. The only thing is she does not ever stay asleep the whole time. She is very restless and is constantly up and down in the packnplay. So I'm afraid I will have a fight on my hands but she is really getting too big

        Like Cathereder said, check the tags she provided because although napping is a non-issue for some providers, it can be and is a source of contention for others.


        • #5
          I feel like a broken record, but: routine, routine, routine! Also, it won't happen immediately! I use a "noise machine." Every day after lunch we either play inside or out for a bit, do circle time, say our prayer, give each other hugs and they all KNOW what's coming. I turn the lights down for circle time and end with quieter songs. It doesn't so much matter what you do, but that you do it every single day. I also give the older kids lavender scented lotion a lot of times and let them rub their armsa/legs/hands with it. I call it our magic sleepy lotion! I use kindermats and have made special covers for them. Everyone knows which mat is theirs and it is in the same spot every day. I started out patting backs, but eventually they've all started just laying down and going to sleep on their own. Well, except my own! Lol!! And a one year old who just started on a mt and I still have to pat her. I have one infant who I've had major sleep issues with and he sleeps in another room becaise he gets too worked up with the other kids around and won't sleep and wakes easily. But, otherwise they all sleep in the same room! Give yourself some time and don't get frustrated, but it will happen!


          • #6
            I find just as pp said, it is truly all about routine! Sometimes the new ones take awhile to transition, but they all seem to settle in with nap time...even those who won't nap for mom!

            Last year I had a 10 mth old who had always been home with mom...would NOT sleep in her crib at home and mom said she needed to be held while she napped and child always slept in mom's bed at night. I knew this was never going to work here, so the first day I simply put her down in her crib awake, when it was time to nap. She cried for just a few minutes and went to sleep. Mom was amazed and couldn't figure out how I did it. It was nothing more than knowing from day one, I had to get her on a set routine in my home. She never cried again after a few days of doing this and always took great naps. They learn very quickly at a very young age!


            • #7
              Thanks for all your input. I will definitely look into those old threads too. I want to start this out right, so it's great to hear it from the well practiced.

