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1 Year Old Class

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  • 1 Year Old Class

    Hi guys I just got my own 1 year old class ive been in this business for 11 years now but ive always been an assistant ive finally got my own class and am nervous about it,i hope I will do a good job, they want my kids to start learning more ,any ideas ? I do circle time etcc but whats a good theme for April ! and I need stuff to hang up in my classroom like mobiles etccc,and would u guys do a daily report like what they ate,diaper change ,how their day was etc...

    Ms Lisa

  • #2
    For April we're doing a spring theme (my kids are 16mo, 16mo, 2, 3, 4), you could also do weather, baby animals, chicks, lambs, bunnies, flowers (this is next month for us), bugs, and many others.

    I do daily reports for non-potty trained kids, but if I had a classroom full of kids I wouldn't. Currently just one daycare kid gets one (one of the 16mo olds is my DD). I have a white board I write all the daily stuff (activities, snack/lunch, nap time...) on for all the other parents. I used to work in a toddler room in a center and doing reports for each kid took nearly all of nap (we also were required to right "personal note" about what each kid enjoyed or did that day) and being on my own now that would be too much.

    Good luck!!


    • #3
      PP mentioned some great theme ideas for April. Could also add in birds - I've seen a great sensory tub with a bird theme - grass, feathers, plastic eggs, fake moss made into nests, bird seed.


      • #4
        Congratulations! Those are good ideas! Be careful with the birdseed! They like to eat it and stick it up their noses, oh and they may throw the eggs-they think they are balls... I was a lead teacher in a one year old class for 4 years. It was fun, but can be challenging! I did a daily report for them-well the company I worked for had us do them. They included what the weekly theme was, what they ate for lunch, what their diapers were, we were required to do a library/language, math, art, sensory (weekly) and music/movement activity each day so we put what we did on it and also had to write about how their day went. It sounds like a lot, but it really wasn't! As for circle, I did songs, finger play's, asked about the weather, and the math-simple things like counting friends, fingers...etc. Circle didn't last long for that long for that age though! In my opinion, play based learning works best for that age! Their attention spans are very short!
        Now, for my in home I do a daily report for 1 and under and for the older children I just have a dry erase poster on the wall and put what my weekly theme is and write some of the activities that we do on it. Have fun and good luck, I'm sure you will do great! I actually kind of miss working in a center with all the same ages!


        • #5
          thanks guys for your suggestions I will let you all know what I choose to do ;

