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Premaking Foods

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  • Premaking Foods

    I'm not sure how many of you premake foods and freeze but I have found that cooking several different types of noodles and freezing them in ziplock bags saves a LOT of time!!! I don't have to make ahead, I can just put the entire meal together and thaw out the noodles in hot water or in the microwave for a few minutes. I think that it is very convenient!

  • #2
    They don't get too soggy? I always thought they did. I will have to try. This will make my meals so much easier


    • #3
      I am going to try this. I have a fear of boiling water with extra kids in the house. One of my girlfriends was a toddler when boiling water was accidentally spilled on her. Her scars are an amazing patchwork of skin and I do not want to have that on my conscience if I were to accidentally do that.


      • #4
        i boil water all the time, but I gate off my kitchen so no one can be in there at all when anything is being prepared, even sandwiches (unless I let them in because they are coloring at the table or something).

        And I always use the back elements.

        I wouldn't even think about pre making noodles though. When I cook noodles, it's always a whole bag at a time. But we are a large family.

        What I do do though, is when I cook, I always make enough for leftovers either for lunches or another supper. If I know we're going to be busy all week, then I portion out, and freeze, then DH or the kids just take the frozen meal with them to work/school, and heat it up, or it's thawed in time for lunch. example: lasagna ....I'll portion out into individual serving containers, put siran wrap on, then the lid, then we just heat and serve.


        • #5
          i will have to try this. I am a huge fan of make ahead. Makes our lives so much easier


          • #6
            Is it realistic to make food on Sunday that lasts until Friday? I usually don't keep anything around that's older than 3 days, but that could just be me worrying.


            • #7
              I was just thinking of the time savings if I made food ahead of time instead of per meal! Will have to try this!


              • #8
                I freeze precooked pasta with sauce in mason jars. You dump it frozen into a pot and reheat. I love it. I do the same with chunky soups and throw in a handful of oatmeal as it's reheating which thickens it up to toddler consistency.


                • #9
                  I'm starting to premake things. I found once a month mom on pinterest. Its a website you can subscribe to, but they post all of their recipes on pinterest with directions for freezing. So far it has been working out, and I make way more healthy meals for the kids. If you subscribe its like $10/month and they give you shopping lists, labels and recipes for a month, so then you just batch cook and portion it all out. I like a little more variety though, and I have some picky eaters, so I've only tried a few recipes so far.


                  • #10
                    I went through a phase when I would pre-cook and freeze meals. I would get up early on Saturday, go grocery shopping, then cook the entire week's meals. I made enough for each meal for lunch and dinner for my family and the daycare kids. I did like not having to try to keep an eye on the daycare kids at the same time I was cooking, but after a couple of months, I got tired of spending most of my Saturday on shopping and preparing meals.


                    • #11
                      I do a lot of canning also. I can home made soups and home made chili. Lots of different things. It's home made but lasts a long while and if he power goes out as it does here a lot with tornadoes and storms, he food doesn't risk spoiling.


                      • #12
                        I cook ahead for my family and freeze it. When i get a good sale on hamburger I will make meatloaves , tater tot casseroles and taco meat and freeze them. When I make soup I always make enough for at least 3 meals.
                        I make pancakes, waffles, french toast, muffins, corn muffins with hotdogs in them for the daycare k ids it makes my life so much easier. I think the idea of making pastas ahead is wonderful because it takes so long for water to boil. ALmost everything can be frozen ahead. I ha


                        • #13
                          Im happy as long as I have breakfast, cups and morning snack ready togo for the following day. Now 4 to 6 days a month we have two dcks that are a bit to handle and require constant eyes so it is a must to pre prep. As for the norm no one is ever allowed in the kichen unless its time to eat and Ive called them to the table. At evening meal my daughter usually takes them outside to play while I make dinner and plates.

