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Learning To Cook From Scratch

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  • Learning To Cook From Scratch

    I am teaching myself to cook from scratch and really love it. I've been making as many snacks and meals as i can. I have even started making my own cream of xyz soup (for casseroles) instead of buying that canned.

    Is there a good book or website that i can buy/reference to learn tips and tricks to cooking 100% from scratch? I know some of you are already doing this, if not 100%, close to it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
    I am teaching myself to cook from scratch and really love it. I've been making as many snacks and meals as i can. I have even started making my own cream of xyz soup (for casseroles) instead of buying that canned.

    Is there a good book or website that i can buy/reference to learn tips and tricks to cooking 100% from scratch? I know some of you are already doing this, if not 100%, close to it.
    you rock I wish that I knew how and I just really stink at cooking. In fact one time years ago when my son was little I made him a rootbeer float at my n laws house. He came to me and said mommy that was the best food you ever made me in my whole life. LMAO I got a mircowave for xmas that year....


    • #3
      My sister in-law is fanatic about saving and being thrify....she does 99.9% of all her cooking from scratch. She loves and recommends this site for what she calls "penny-pinchers"

      A forum community dedicated to the frugal lifestyle and the enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about simple and green living, cost effective tips, life hacks, debt reduction, recycling, gardening, other homesteading techniques, and more!


      • #4
        well, since I added a web-site link, as soon as you approve my post, you will see my answer LOL!! ::


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          well, since I added a web-site link, as soon as you approve my post, you will see my answer LOL!! ::


          • #6
            any cookbooks that are older are better. I think its called frannie farmer cookbook, it rocks, alot of recipies.


            • #7
              I find that lots of old church cookbooks really helped me. I have gotten pretty good at making different hotdishes now (I'm from MN!) but to begin with the cookbooks really helped me define what went well together and what might be riskier. Just avoid anything that asks for lard!

              I love the website allrecipes. Becoming a member is free, and they send you a daily recipe. Some are things I would never make, and others are an instant hit, but even if you are questioning the recipe, it makes you think about different options. They also have ratings on their recipes as well as tips to make them easier/better.


              • #8
                I've found searching online to be very helpful too. For instance I wanted to start making all my own marinade for meat. So I googled the science of marinade and learned that its basically acid, fat, flavor, base. So as long as you have one thing that tastes good together from each category the marinade is always yummy.

                I'm one of those people that needs to understand the WHY about things.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
                  I am teaching myself to cook from scratch and really love it. I've been making as many snacks and meals as i can. I have even started making my own cream of xyz soup (for casseroles) instead of buying that canned.

                  Is there a good book or website that i can buy/reference to learn tips and tricks to cooking 100% from scratch? I know some of you are already doing this, if not 100%, close to it.
                  That is great so much better for your those you love. Want to post your recipe? I will try to get you those for the ones we use. Love cooking.

                  Do you have the kids help? My son is three and I just tell what is next for a lot of them and he can do it himself. We try to stay away from processed foods.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    My sister in-law is fanatic about saving and being thrify....she does 99.9% of all her cooking from scratch. She loves and recommends this site for what she calls "penny-pinchers"

                    i clicked on this link, and one of the things it had on it, was the rag rugs...

                    i don't mean any disrespect if this comes off the wrong way, but i noticed when i was little, i'd go to friends houses, and it seems all the families that were religous all had the rag rugs! i never seen them in the stores or anything, and i remember thinking that it was only the religous families that had them.

                    now that i seen these frugal living websites and hillybilly housewife etc, i've realized because they were always larger families (the religous families i knew), i'm sure they were always finding ways to cut costs and whatever else. and the moms ALWAYS baked. there was always tons of bread being made all day long, and cookies, muffins, etc etc.

                    i think it's neat now that i can understand the value of the dollar and see how families make ends meet.


                    • #11

                      I use:

                      Old cookbooks
                      Amish cookbooks
                      Family farm cookbooks
                      and Alaska cookbooks


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                        I use:

                        Old cookbooks
                        Amish cookbooks
                        Family farm cookbooks
                        and Alaska cookbooks
                        I am on my second copy of the Mennonite cookbook. I literally wore out the first one. Best EVER.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
                          I am on my second copy of the Mennonite cookbook. I literally wore out the first one. Best EVER.
                          What's the name of that one Meek?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            What's the name of that one Meek?
                            Mennonite Community Cookbook. When I got married (30 years ago), one of my new sister-in-laws gave me a copy. My husbands mother and all his sisters used it. I literally wore it out and bought a new one a few years back. I hope I have one forever and will give both MY daughters a copy too. Just good plain food...nothing fancy. Economical, tasty etc.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
                              Mennonite Community Cookbook. When I got married (30 years ago), one of my new sister-in-laws gave me a copy. My husbands mother and all his sisters used it. I literally wore it out and bought a new one a few years back. I hope I have one forever and will give both MY daughters a copy too. Just good plain food...nothing fancy. Economical, tasty etc.
                              I'll be getting that one immediately.

                              I have the bestest Alaska cookbook. I'll have to get the name of it for you. IT'S AWESOME

