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What Do Your Kids Drink?

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  • What Do Your Kids Drink?

    What do you serve for drinks?
    Do you ever give them juice?

  • #2
    My dck get milk at breakfast and lunch, and water in-between and at snack. Sometimes for special celebrations we'll have 100% juice boxes, but otherwise I don't serve juice.

    My own kids have milk in their breakfast cereal and at school lunch, then water at supper. The younger 2 have a milk sensitivity so the Dr recommended limiting their milk intake.


    • #3
      Milk at meals.
      No juice. Ever.

      Once you serve it, they expect it. Once they expect it, they won't drink anything else. My kids drink plenty of water.

      ETA: My own kids are older and not in the dc. They get their own drinks.


      • #4
        At daycare the kids get milk for lunch and water for snacks or in between times. Formula / BM for babys (but patents bring it). Once and awhile kids will get juice.

        My own kids do get juice


        • #5
          Milk (1%) and/or breast milk

          No juice. Ever.


          • #6
            Water and milk.

            They only get juice for our Muffins with Mom event, Donuts with Dad event, and huge Christmas party. All are events the parents are in charge of them at and I don't have to worry about sugar highs or lows since they take them home right after.

            My own children? Water (or almond milk in smoothies). That's it. My oldest used to buy himself sodas when he was out and about and I'm sure he has them in his fridge now that he lives on his own. But, in our house? You get water.


            • #7
              What are the negatives of giving juice?


              • #8
                Originally posted by dreamer View Post
                What are the negatives of giving juice?
                Fruit Juice Contains Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants, but it Lacks Fiber and is Loaded With Sugar. Fruit juice is missing a lot of the stuff that makes whole fruit healthy. Orange juice, for example, does contain Vitamin C and is a decent source of folate, potassium and Vitamin B1.

                Kids will get more nutrients and fiber, and a lot less sugar, by eating fruit instead. So it's better for them to eat fruit and drink water. Juice can also contribute to obesity because kids fill up on it instead of other, healthier foods. And too much juice can cause diarrhea and tooth decay.


                • #9
                  1% milk, Breast milk or formula with iron for meals.

                  Water for everything else.

                  No juice, no canned fruits/veggies,only fresh or frozen fruits/veggies served.
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #10
                    I serve water each day

                    We do cooking class once a week and they may make smoothies or fresh squeezed juice in that class but that is an exception not the norm.

                    My own school age dd (who is not in my program) has water mostly. We do smoothies for breakfast sometimes (with almond milk) and she also gets honest kids juice pouches in her lunch some days.


                    • #11
                      I serve only water. If a family asks that I offer their child milk, I will. So far, none have asked. In Canada, it's rare to have children under 12 months in care, so I don't have many requests for breastmilk/formula (parents tend to give that in the mornings and evenings if the kids are in care, though I don't mind a quick nursing session at pick-up, in the pick-up area) but I would have no problem preparing/serving it. I don't offer juice at all. Not an option.

                      ETA : We do have smoothies occasionally, especially during the summer, but I consider smoothies to be more food than drink. Maybe that's just me.


                      • #12
                        Milk for breakfast and lunch as required by food program. Sometimes milk at snack, depends on what I'm serving and what I know kids will eat. They don't get a lot of milk though because I have a couple kids who would only drink milk and not eat anything. About half the time I serve water with snack.
                        I hardly ever serve juice, except a very occasional oj. My food program lady says juice has gotten a bad rap, to some extent. Some kids wouldn't get any fruits/vegs. in their diet if not for juice. Not sure if I agree with that or not though. I still feel juice is a more sugar-filled, less fiber way of giving needed vitamins to kids. And juice fills them up.


                        • #13
                          We serve milk for breakfast and lunch. We do provide substitutes of soy and lactose free milk for the kids with allergies upon parent requests.

                          For snacks we serve either water, milk, or juice depending upon what the snack is.

                          At other times the kids can drink water.


                          • #14
                            Milk during meals ... water the rest of the day.
                            I prefer to serve fruit instead of juice but will occasionally make hoe made juices with our juicer and will serve that. On special occasions I will serve store bought juice (100% fruit juice, one part juice/2 parts water).


                            • #15
                              My kids are served milk with breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. If they drink all of their milk, I give them water so they don't fill up on milk. This of course is for the kids off of formula or breast milk.

                              Never serve juice because it's too high in sugar! My kids are served two types of fruit with each meal.

                              I have two grown kids of my own and I never gave them juice either. It's just not as healthy as milk and water!!

