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  • Liability?

    I have a daycare mom who tries to walk all over in my house. She has been told that she only has access to the daycare areas but she really pushes it. My main concern with her walking through the two daycare rooms (all low shelves so she can see everyone and everything anyway) is that she is going to step on a child, trip on a toy or child and a child will be hurt. How do I address this? Realistically, there is no reason for her to walk through the play room, the only thing I can figure out is she is being nosy as she looks up my stairs where our bedrooms are (not a daycare area) or looks around the doorway into the kitchen where my own children are doing homework.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have a daycare mom who tries to walk all over in my house. She has been told that she only has access to the daycare areas but she really pushes it. My main concern with her walking through the two daycare rooms (all low shelves so she can see everyone and everything anyway) is that she is going to step on a child, trip on a toy or child and a child will be hurt. How do I address this? Realistically, there is no reason for her to walk through the play room, the only thing I can figure out is she is being nosy as she looks up my stairs where our bedrooms are (not a daycare area) or looks around the doorway into the kitchen where my own children are doing homework.
    This is a very good question, you are right to be concerned. First let me say that in the event she is walking through other areas of the house and something happens a good child care liability policy would cover you. In some cases a homeowners policy may even cover you. Just because she is a parent doesn't mean you can't treat your place of business like that of any other establishment. Restaurants for example do not allow most patrons in the kitchen for safety reasons.

    You have a couple of options on how to address this. In your parent handbook you can have a section that pertains to pick up/drop off protocol and you can address the rules there. Or if she does it again, there is nothing wrong with asking her to not to go into those areas. If she makes a fuss than perhaps she is not the kind of parent you wish to work with. In these situations you're right to want to take the appropriate actions to nip this situation in the bud. The longer these things tend to go on the more likely they are to develop into more pressing matters.
    DC Insurance Services, Inc.
    (800) 624-0912


    • #3
      I have this in my handbook. It states "parents and children are restricted to the childcare areas of the home only, this is our home and we all need our personal space. Please respect that they way you would like my family to respect your privacy in your own home.".

      I have never had an issue, but if I did I would point out it was in the handbook. One time in Kansas I left a not on the door during a tornado warning the we were in the basement (hubby and I had our bedroom and such down there so no kids or parents were ever allowed), to please join us there until we were given the all clear. As parents came in, I told them I would not release children until the weatherman gave us the all clear,.


      • #4
        Caring for family only

        I am currently licensed caring for multiple families. I have decided to go legally unlicensed and will only continue to care for my niece. Because I am licensed, I currently have business liability insurance. Do I still need this coverage once I am unlicensed and caring for family only?

