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Write Off Meals Though Kids Are Not Enrolled Yet?

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  • Write Off Meals Though Kids Are Not Enrolled Yet?

    My "opening day" is August 22, this coming Monday, for my home based day care. As of now, three parents have picked up applications stating that they will be enrolling (who knows if that will really happen) and turning in their applications (one said she will turn hers in this weekend). If I have no "paying" children on Monday, but my 3 year old will be home with me, and I serve my 3 year old breakfast/lunch/snack and my 5 year old breakfast/snack (she's starting Kindergarten ), can I still "write-off" those meals for my kids on my taxes? Do I have to wait until I have "paying " children attending to be able to write those meals off?
    I love my job!

  • #2
    Depending on your food program you can claim your own children for meals in which other daycare children are there. For example, I have a daycare boy tomorrow who will not be here for breakfast, so I cannot claim my son. BUT since he will eat 2 snacks and a meal, I will be able to claim my son for those meals as well.

    You also can never claim your children's meals on your taxes. (If I recall correctly from one of Tom's books) Someone correct me if I'm wrong...


    • #3
      I would check with your food program in CA we can only claim our own children if we are income qualifed.. Meaning we have to be low income.


      • #4
        Originally posted by KEG123 View Post
        Depending on your food program you can claim your own children for meals in which other daycare children are there. For example, I have a daycare boy tomorrow who will not be here for breakfast, so I cannot claim my son. BUT since he will eat 2 snacks and a meal, I will be able to claim my son for those meals as well.

        You also can never claim your children's meals on your taxes. (If I recall correctly from one of Tom's books) Someone correct me if I'm wrong...
        This is how my meal program is - I can only claim my children when another 'paying' customer is in attendance!


        • #5
          You can't write off the meals you serve to your own children. If you are on tier 1 of the food program you can claim your own children but you back out the income you get for their meals and you don't claim the meals you served to your own children at tax time. Also for food program you can only claim your own children on tier 1 if there is at least 1 dck in attendance.


          • #6
            Thanks alot for your helpful responses. I appreciate it. I've heard Tom's books being mentioned a lot on this site. I've reserved two of them from my local public library so I can get informed about how to do my taxes next year. Thanks again.
            I love my job!


            • #7
              Food to own children

              heyhun77 is absolutely correct.


              • #8
                Originally posted by heyhun77 View Post
                You can't write off the meals you serve to your own children. If you are on tier 1 of the food program you can claim your own children but you back out the income you get for their meals and you don't claim the meals you served to your own children at tax time. Also for food program you can only claim your own children on tier 1 if there is at least 1 dck in attendance.
                What about Tier 2?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                  What about Tier 2?
                  If you receive tier 2 reimbursement you can't claim your own kids. Then you just use the income number for what you receive from the food program and use the standard deduction for the number of meals you served (or the actual cost if you keep all the receipts, ect).


                  • #10
                    Own children

                    You can never deduct food costs for your own child, regardless of whether you are on Tier I or Tier II. Being on Tier I means you can get reimbursed for serving food to your own children (during day care hours).


                    • #11
                      Food expenses

                      I keep track of all food purchases for my daycare. I use MMK, when I imput my food purchases into expenses it doesn't show the amount as a deduction in the right menu. It just lists it (same as my car loan payment and insurance).

                      I track actual food purchases as well as all meals served and I participate in the food program. I understand how to include the food program in other income and deducting my own child's meals.

                      I know there are two ways to deduct meals/food. Actually food costs and then actual meals served, correct? How do I choose one and then apply that in MMK?


                      • #12
                        Food deductions

                        Using MMK allows you to choose between the standard meal allowance rate or an actual expenses method. If you print out the Meal report this will show you how much you can deduct using the standard meal allowance rate. If you enter your actual business food costs into MMK, then it will total the amounts you entered and you can deduct this amount. You can use whichever method comes up with a higher deduction for you.


                        • #13
                          If I am on a food program but not all the meals i serve are covered by the program then can i write off the other meals on my taxes?


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            If I am on a food program but not all the meals i serve are covered by the program then can i write off the other meals on my taxes?
                            Yes, you can deduct up to one breakfast, one lunch, one supper and three snacks per day, per child.

