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Claiming Food.....

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  • Claiming Food.....

    Some questions on claiming food: I'm in the food program here in DE, is it correct I claim my reinbursments as income, minus the reinbursments for my own children?

    I'll probably use the standard meal allowance way of claiming, to do this I just keep track of ALL meals and snacks served correct? So if I made the extra marks on the carbon copy of my food program sheet would that work? Or should it be on a seperate sheet so an auditor could tell the difference between a food program meal and a regular meal.

    Also since I'm keeping track of every little thing it seems their a standard deduction rate or something? Will I get my time/money's worth in keeping track of these things....thanks!

    (PS Tom, your book is on the way I just can't wait for it to get here haha!)

  • #2
    Some threads on the subject:


    • #3
      Food program

      Yes, claim all FP reimbursements as income except for those you receive for your own children.
      Yes, keep track of all the meals and snacks you serve the children in your care (don't count your own children's meals and snacks). You can keep records any way you want.
      You can use the standard meal allowance rate to claim food expenses, without having to keep food expenses. The rate for 2011 is $1.19 breakfast, $2.22 lunch/supper, and $.66 snack.

