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Michigan Childcare Union

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  • Michigan Childcare Union

    Awhile back there was discussion on this forum about childcare unions and thought that some would like to hear this.

    Mott Community College agreement with Department of Human Services enforcing union dues on childcare providers dissolved
    FLINT, Michigan -A controversial agreement that started at Mott Community College between the Michigan Department of Human Services and the Michigan Home Based Child Care Council that allowed union dues to be collected from home-based child care providers has been dissolved.

    The Michigan Home Based Child Care Council will no longer collect union dues from home-based child care providers, Director Maura D. Corrigan announced in a statement Tuesday.

    "The council has not delivered on its original goals to enhance and improve the delivery of quality care for children whose parents receive assistance from the department," Corrigan said in a prepared statement. "That's why we will stop all funding and, because these providers are not state employees, will also cease collecting union dues."

    The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation sued DHS in 2009 - on behalf of three childcare providers that included a Flint provider - for allegedly forming an "illegal union" for home-based daycare providers using an agreement with Mott Community College.
    I see little people.

  • #2
    No more union dues

    Thanks Childminder!

    Do you have a link for the info?
    Did they say when they would stop collecting the dues?


    • #3
      Yeah, that is definitely one prayer I am very glad was not granted.....

      I just feel so much legislation is geared towards putting Home Based Childcare out of business.

      It is already impossible to compete with with the resourses of large centers on so many levels...why add more? YKWIM?

      Why are our ratios less than their employees have super powers?

      Maybe it is just my region....IDK.

      Thanks for the reality check....
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        child care union

        Do you know with Gov. Snyder's new budget cuts a relative provider will see $1.35 an hour instead of the $1.60 that they are making now. Did you know that CCPTM (Child care Providers Together in Michigan) helped get state subsidized caregivers their first raise in years. Do you know that CCPTM also helped setup and organize the training for Relative and aide providers? Did you know that there have been huge amounts of providers that received help through CCPTM to receive back pay that they would not of gotton w/o help from there union. Caseworkers do not like to return calls and most of the time need encouragement to do so. CCPTM has put providers in the right direction when in need. Union Representitives have went to several hearings along with providers and have received $1000's in pay for providers who would of not known what to do with out someone to help them through it. We have been here to help our providers and will continue to do so. There is a hotline # call us if you need us. We are always here to help.


        • #5
          The only pay raises that it effects is subsidized children, which in turns affects providers who pay taxes in the state of Michigan. You fight for a raise and our taxes go up. Relative daycare providers can go the route of becoming a licensed provider and get the higher state pay If they choose. If you want me to go with the union, make me a state worker and pay my daycare wages, plus benefits, then I would pay union dues otherwise count me out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
            The only pay raises that it effects is subsidized children, which in turns affects providers who pay taxes in the state of Michigan. You fight for a raise and our taxes go up. Relative daycare providers can go the route of becoming a licensed provider and get the higher state pay If they choose. If you want me to go with the union, make me a state worker and pay my daycare wages, plus benefits, then I would pay union dues otherwise count me out.
            Amen and amen! No forced union in MI. That is why a LOT of providers in MI would not take state-paid families.


            • #7
              Forced Unionization

              This fight is not over. I am a provider that is currently involved in a Federal Class Action lawsuit seeking all paid dues to be returned. (With the legal aid of the National Right to Work Legal Foundation) Money...big money and politics is what motivated the union scheme. To date, over 4 million dollars has been collected in the name of union dues here in Michigan. Unfortunately, this whole set up was never done in the interest of child care providers or children!

              Carrie Schlaud


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                This fight is not over. I am a provider that is currently involved in a Federal Class Action lawsuit seeking all paid dues to be returned. (With the legal aid of the National Right to Work Legal Foundation) Money...big money and politics is what motivated the union scheme. To date, over 4 million dollars has been collected in the name of union dues here in Michigan. Unfortunately, this whole set up was never done in the interest of child care providers or children!

                Carrie Schlaud
                No, it was done with the sole purpose of making money for the state of MI. There was never any intention to provide daycare providers with any benefits that a union would normally provide. I don't even know how it came to be when none of the daycare providers were asked about or supported it!


                • #9
                  Actually this was purely a money maker for the unions involved. (UAW and AFSCME) In return, our then Governor Granholm received political support for her elections. We will most likely be in court within the next few months for a judgement regarding the return of dues. Any providers that would like more information regarding this case or would like to observe the court me and I will give you more information. I can be found on facebook or email [email protected].

                  Carrie Schlaud


                  • #10
                    Do you know with Gov. Snyder's new budget cuts a relative provider will see $1.35 an hour instead of the $1.60 that they are making now. Did you know that CCPTM (Child care Providers Together in Michigan) helped get state subsidized caregivers their first raise in years. Do you know that CCPTM also helped setup and organize the training for Relative and aide providers? Did you know that there have been huge amounts of providers that received help through CCPTM to receive back pay that they would not of gotton w/o help from there union. Caseworkers do not like to return calls and most of the time need encouragement to do so. CCPTM has put providers in the right direction when in need. Union Representitives have went to several hearings along with providers and have received $1000's in pay for providers who would of not known what to do with out someone to help them through it. We have been here to help our providers and will continue to do so. There is a hotline # call us if you need us. We are always here to help.

                    Raise? BullS%$Q! Yeah I got the raise, 3 cents. Then union dues is taken out of that which now gives me less than I made before the union. Plus where is all this help you speak of. Like the health benefits? I personally have not received any HELP fro the union and I want my dues back! And I'm not afraid of coming on this forum with name to say so!
                    Cheri Clifton
                    The Childminder
                    I see little people.


                    • #11
                      Hearing date set:

                      Our hearing date has been set! This is a summary judgement hearing for the return of union dues. This is an open courtroom if anyone would like to attend! Hearing will be May 12th at 10:00 am in the Grand Rapids Federal Court. We would love to have other providers show up to support us in this effort.

                      Carrie Schlaud


                      • #12
                        union dues refund

                        Has there been any progress with the refund of union dues?

