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What About Before I Have My License?

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  • What About Before I Have My License?

    In California I can take care of one family legally without being licensed. A friend is looking for work and asking me to take care of her children while I'm waiting for my license. Can I claim write offs during this time? I think I read that I cannot claim the mortgage, utilities and all that but can I claim other things like craft supplies and the like. Not sure since I'm still legal but not licensed.

    Also, while I am getting my business ready...buying things that the business needs (but not yet licensed) can I write those things off? Office supplies, marketing, home improvement, computers, etc...or do I have to buy all those things after I get my license in order to claim it on my taxes? I'd really like to have all my ducks in a row asap. Plus some of it I will need to do before the home inspection. Do I have to have children in my care to claim these things? Seems I should be able to...yes? No?

  • #2
    yes you can write off anything that you needed to purchase to start the business, including classes and licenses. Make sure that you keep all of your reciepts... Also look into a program called minute menu kids online. it is a very helpful program for DCP

    good luck


    • #3
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      yes you can write off anything that you needed to purchase to start the business, including classes and licenses. Make sure that you keep all of your reciepts... Also look into a program called minute menu kids online. it is a very helpful program for DCP

      good luck
      Thank you! I'm so excited...this is what I was meant to do. Why didn't I do this earlier? Lots of work? Yes! Still...sometimes the most rewarding things are the hardest at the same time. Just ask any mother! LOL!

      I'll probably be asking lots of "dumb" questions but goes with the territory of wanting everything "just right"


      • #4
        What about when I am legally caring for my friend's kids but not yet licensed?


        • #5
          well it is legal to operate as a business so again I would say yes.... Questions regarding taxes are usually best to ask tom copeland...

          I see that you are in Ca...where abouts?


          • #6
            Welcome to the forum!

            Learn how to start a daycare in California. Our friendly guide covers licensing, regulations, and opening a successful childcare center in California.


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              well it is legal to operate as a business so again I would say yes.... Questions regarding taxes are usually best to ask tom copeland...

              I see that you are in Ca...where abouts?
              I am in NorCal...east bay of SF


              • #8
                im in south bay!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  Thank you! I read this and determined that if I have one family I am considered exempt from having to have a license thus I am still legally operating. Does anyone know if I am still exempt if I have one family whom I am charging AND I have one family who we are sharing child care (for our own children) like a cooperative and not charging? Can I do both while I am waiting for my license and still be operating legally?

                  The manual says I can do it, but isn't clear if I can do both at the same time.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    im in south bay!!!
                    Of NorCal or SoCal? I've lived in both so that's why I ask.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by daycare View Post
                      well it is legal to operate as a business so again I would say yes.... Questions regarding taxes are usually best to ask tom copeland...

                      I see that you are in Ca...where abouts?
                      I am reading several of his books now, and I got the calendar which I love. How can I best direct questions to him?


                      • #12
                        I was told NO. one family period. you cannot care for more than one family at a time. does not matter how many children they have, but have to be from the same household

                        I would call licensing just to make sure you are doing things right. that would suck if you were trying to provide honest care and you were cited for non compliance of regultaions before even getting your license.......


                        • #13
                          there is a section of daycare taxes here... I would ask there even though others often post questions here... also, he is holding a tax webnair soon that sounds very benefical

                          I am going to watch only cost 25.00 and is tax deductable


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daycare View Post
                            I was told NO. one family period. you cannot care for more than one family at a time. does not matter how many children they have, but have to be from the same household

                            I would call licensing just to make sure you are doing things right. that would suck if you were trying to provide honest care and you were cited for non compliance of regultaions before even getting your license.......
                            Exactly! Ok...I think you may be right about the one family overriding other options. I'll check to be sure if I have an issue. Hopefully I can get things rolling and done right after orientation.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycare View Post
                              there is a section of daycare taxes here... I would ask there even though others often post questions here... also, he is holding a tax webnair soon that sounds very benefical

                              I am going to watch only cost 25.00 and is tax deductable
                              Am I in the taxes section? LOL! Thanks for the webnair info!!!

