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Time/Space Question For Tom

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  • Time/Space Question For Tom

    I have kids that I care for M-F, 7:30-5:30. I am considering providing respite care for the children on weekends (not every weekend, but probably 2-4 days a month). Mom is being encouraged to use respite because of their high medical needs. I will be paid through DSS for this, though at a much, much higher rate. Because it is respite, though, and not childcare assistance paying me, would I still be able to count those weekend days that I care for them in my T/S calculations?

  • #2
    respite care

    Originally posted by Leigh View Post
    I have kids that I care for M-F, 7:30-5:30. I am considering providing respite care for the children on weekends (not every weekend, but probably 2-4 days a month). Mom is being encouraged to use respite because of their high medical needs. I will be paid through DSS for this, though at a much, much higher rate. Because it is respite, though, and not childcare assistance paying me, would I still be able to count those weekend days that I care for them in my T/S calculations?
    Yes, count these hours as part of your time-space%. This is still considered child care as far as the IRS is concerned, so claim all your same expenses for caring for these children together with your M-F expenses.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TomCopeland View Post
      Yes, count these hours as part of your time-space%. This is still considered child care as far as the IRS is concerned, so claim all your same expenses for caring for these children together with your M-F expenses.
      Thank you! Just the answer that I was hoping to hear!

