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  • Lawyer?

    I heard someone told me that I can claim for lawyer fee that my husband and I are paying every month. We hired an attorney to file two lawsuit against my daughter's district for unappropriated education since October 2009. The school filed a due process against us first on October 2009 but we won the case last March 2010. We filed a suit against them last July but they settled with us last September to drop a due process hearing for the second time. Again, we filed a federal suit against district for refusing pay my lawyer's fee and get all of our money back since we won for the first place. They appealed against us because they think we shouldn't win the case. Now we are stuck to pay my lawyer every month and pay the hotel for her to stay four days and one day. Can I claim on my taxes?

    Our federal court will be on August 1, 2011.

  • #2

    You can't claim these legal fees as a business expense. I don't know if they can be claimed as a personal itemized deduction or not.

