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Netflix & Deduction

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  • Netflix & Deduction

    We suscribe to Netflix only for DC purposes really. I went through and printed out all of our activity for the yr, and out of 60 times something was watched from the instant que, only 3 title were NOT for DC purposes. Also, Out of all the DVDs we rented from Netflix for the yr, again only a handful were for personnal use. We just dont watch TV. We are too busy on the computer, phones, iPods, etc. So in this case could I write off the Netflix at about 98% business??

  • #2

    Short answer: Yes.

    The general rule is that you use your t/s% to deduct items used for both business and personal use. However, you can use an actual business use percentage if you have records to back you up. In your case you do. You have records showing which are personal and business movies and you can use this to calculate the actual use of Netflix for business.

    Other providers who want to use an actual business use percentage need to have some backup records to prove your percentage. This is a good example of good back up records.

