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Cable & Internet Bill

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  • Cable & Internet Bill

    My internet is on my cable bill, so should I just combine them in MMK or do I have to break them down separately?

  • #2
    We have dishtv and when I first started doing daycare, I called them to see if they could send me a yearly breakdown of my charges, they asked what for and I told them my taxes. They told me that I couldn't deduct anything for my tv services on my taxes unless I paid for a different kind of service, because I am basicly charging parents for their child to watch shows provided by their service. I didn't really understand it, didn't claim it that year, and as we don't watch tv here, have never claimed it on my taxes. Not sure if what i was told is factual or not. I know plenty of providers that do claim the deduction on their taxes, but am curious if anyone else has ever been told something of this nature.
    So to your original question, I'm not sure. All of my utilities get lumped together for time/space percentage, so I guess I don't see why you would separate it out. My sewer water and garbage are all on one bill and I don't put them in separately, I guess it would be the same premise.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AnythingsPossible View Post
      We have dishtv and when I first started doing daycare, I called them to see if they could send me a yearly breakdown of my charges, they asked what for and I told them my taxes. They told me that I couldn't deduct anything for my tv services on my taxes unless I paid for a different kind of service, because I am basicly charging parents for their child to watch shows provided by their service. I didn't really understand it, didn't claim it that year, and as we don't watch tv here, have never claimed it on my taxes. Not sure if what i was told is factual or not. I know plenty of providers that do claim the deduction on their taxes, but am curious if anyone else has ever been told something of this nature.
      So to your original question, I'm not sure. All of my utilities get lumped together for time/space percentage, so I guess I don't see why you would separate it out. My sewer water and garbage are all on one bill and I don't put them in separately, I guess it would be the same premise.
      Sounds like you just had a nasty person who didnt believe in kids ever watching TV....

      Kids watch TV! Nothing wrong with unless they are sitting in front of it for hrs at a time! TV can be very educational.


      • #4

        If kids watch tv you can deduct the t/s% as a utility expense. If you use the internet for business you can also deduct this as t/s%. The cable person you talked to didn't understand family child care, so ignore his advice. You could amend your tax return and claim this now and get a refund.


        • #5
          I break ours down by cable and internet. Luckily on our bill though it is already broken down so I just have to make 2 entries in MMK each month.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TomCopeland View Post
            If kids watch tv you can deduct the t/s% as a utility expense. If you use the internet for business you can also deduct this as t/s%. The cable person you talked to didn't understand family child care, so ignore his advice. You could amend your tax return and claim this now and get a refund.
            My tax lady last year did not know squat about home day care taxes, even thogugh she claimed she did.....does this mean I can amend them and redo them corretly this year??? I only wrote off toys last year...... uuugggghhh


            • #7
              Originally posted by emosks View Post
              I break ours down by cable and internet. Luckily on our bill though it is already broken down so I just have to make 2 entries in MMK each month.
              Ours is broken down too, but I was thinking of combining them just to make it easier on myself and save time, and since I write one ck for both, it just seemed to make the most sense.


              • #8

                Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                My tax lady last year did not know squat about home day care taxes, even thogugh she claimed she did.....does this mean I can amend them and redo them corretly this year??? I only wrote off toys last year...... uuugggghhh
                You can amend your taxes going back 3 years and get refunds. In your situation you may want to ask your tax preparer to amend your return without charging for it because they made the mistakes.

